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The "For Kids Only" Learning Disabilities Website


What is this site about? 

This site is about Learning Disabilities.  This site is for Kids!!  What is a Learning Disability? Who's Special Ed?  Are other Kids like me?  What can I do with my life? Does this "LD" affect my family? How can I find out more??????  Click on any of the "Glowing" buttons on the left or the "Hot Links" on the bottom of the page for lots of good stuff on Learning Disabilities!  Let us know what you think.  Enjoy!

Home | Who's Special Ed? | Kids Like Me! | Study Habits | Life After High School |Family | Resources
This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students  in EEX 6015: Learning Disabilities; and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 
Last modified: July 11, 2000
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