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Sessions Seven Through Nine: 

Epidemiological Research Methods


Text Readings: Aldrich and Griffith, Chapters 2-4

Merton et. al., Chapters 1-3 & 12-13 

Web Readings: Occupational Epidemiology

Introduction to Applied Toxicology 

Ill-health and the Work Environment

Reference Material  

Index of Educational Resources: Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Health


Topics: Association & Causation in Environmental Epidemiology / Statistical Issues in Epidemiology / Epidemiololgical Research Methods / Basic Stasticial Concepts and Terminology / Exploratory vs. Confirmatory Studies / Determining Sample Size and Statistical Power / Identifying and Controlling Systematic Sources of Error / Assessing Interaction / Determing the Level of the Investigation / Problems with Ecological Studies / Additional Sample Size & Power Considerations / Limitations of Multivariate Models / Confounder Identification / The Utility of Meta-Analysis  

Homework Assignment for Sessions Eight & Nine

  1. Identify six limits to community epidemioloigcal studies.
  2. Please explain the following terms: target population, random sample, variable, risk factor, confidence interval, null hypothesis, statistical significance test, P-value, Type I error, Type II error, statistical power, prevalence, incidence rate, ecological study, observational study, relative risk, odds ratio, precision, & validity.
  3. How doe exploratory studies differ from confirmatory studies?
  4. Identify 6 parameters of statistical power and explain.
  5. What is meant by effect size?
  6. Identify and explain four types of statistical bias.
  7. Explain what is meant by level I, level II, and level III classes of investigation.
  8. Identify and explain 5 limitations to causal inferences in epidemiological research.
  9. What is the problem of multiple inference?
  10. What is meant by the term "confounder identification"?
Homework Assignment for Session Ten
  1. What is the multiple barrier concept in water treatment all about?
  2. How have waterborne illnesses been primarily controlled?
  3. Describe how a wastewater treatment facility process works.
  4. Identify and describe three major waterborne pathogens common throughout the United States.
  5. What is meant by the term "endemic waterborne disease"? 
  6. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are two common endemic waterborne biotic agents. Please explain how these microbes impact public health.
  7. Identify the pathogens involved in the five largest waterborne outbreaks documented in the U.S.
  8. Identify strategies that have been used to insure the safety of drinking water.
  9. Identify 3 waterborne diseases associated with bacteria and another 3 associated with parasites.

