Environmental Health

Home Page & Course Schedule

A Distance Learning Course

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Fall 2016

To Connecct with Each Class Session Click on the Session Number Below

Session 1

Aug 17 - 21

Chapter 1&2

Ch 1-2: Preview of Environmental Health and Science & Methods

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Course No:

EVR 2264

(CRN: 81281)



Session 2

Aug 22 - 28

Ch 3: Living With Nature

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning




Session 3

Aug 29 - Sep 4

Ch 4: Producing Energy

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning



Edward T. "Terry" Wimberley, Ph.D.

Session 4

Sep 5 - 11

Ch 5: Producing Manufacturing Goods

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning


Session 5

Sep 12 -18

Ch 6: Producing Food

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Office Location:

College of Arts & Sciences, Division of Marine and Ecological Sciences

212 Academic Building Seven

Sep 19 - 25

Chapter 7

Living in the World We've Made

Maxwell, Nancy Irwin (2014) Understanding Environmental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning


Session 7

Sep 26 - Oct 2

Unknown Quantities

Weinhold, Bob (2012) "Unknown Quantities: Regulating Radionuclides in Tap Water," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 120, No. 9. p. A351-A356.

 Office Hours: 


Office Hours Fridays

9:00-12:00 noon & By Appointment



Session 8

Oct 3 - 9

Food From Earth

Wendee, Nicole (2013) "Food from Earth: Sustainable Farming in Action," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 121, No. 7, p. A213-A219.


Session 9

Oct 10 - 16

To Label or Not to Label

Dahl, Richard (2012) "To Label or Not to Label: California Prepares to Vote on Genetically Engineered Foods," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 120, No. 9, p. A359-A361.

Class Meeting Time & Location: Weekly - Online

Email Address:


Session 10

Oct 17 - 23

Wind Turbines: A Different Breed of Noise?

Seltenrich, Nate (2014) "Wind Turbines: A Different Breed of Noise?" Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 122, No. 1, p. A21-A25.


Session 11

Oct 24 - 30

Once Upon A Mine: The Legacy of Uranium in the Navajo West

Arnold, Carrie (2014) "Once Upon a Mine: The Legacy of Uranium in the Navajo West," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 122, No. 2, p. A45-A49.



Oct 31 - Nov 6

Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater: Managing a Toxic Blend

Brown, Valerie J. (2014) "Radionuclides in Fracking Wastewater: Managing a Toxic Blend" Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 122, No. 2, p. A21-A25.



Session 13

Nov 7 - 13

The Long Road to Recovery: Environmental Health Impacts of Hurricane Sandy

Manuel, John (2013) "The Long Road to Recovery: Environmental Health Impacts of Hurricane Sandy," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 121, No. 5, p. A153-A159.


(239) 405-4164


Session 14

Nov 14 - 22

Chemical Migration in Food Contact Materials

Seltenrich, Nate (2014) "A Hard Nut to Crack: Reducing Chemical Migration in Food Contact Materials," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 123, No. 7, p. A174-A179

The Comprehensive Exam is Distributed



Thanksgiving Break

Nov 23-26



Session 15

Nov 27 - Dec 3

Comprehensive Exam

The exam is due via Canvas email in Word or Rich Text format (full exam will all questions and answers as provided by instruction with your correct answer highlighted or underline) by no later than 5 pm on on April 22.


Session 16

Extra Credit

Rethinking Sterile: The Hospital Microbiome

Seltenrich, Nate (2014) "Rethinking Sterile: The Hospital Microbiome," Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 122, No. 7, p. A182-A187



Course assignments and schedule, course objectives, and grading weights may change as circumstances dictate and at the discretion of the instructor.