Session 5 Chapter 6 Producing Food
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Chapter Six Flashcards: | ||||||||||
Key Concepts:
Learning Objectives:
Homework: Answer all of the following study questions and email the attached questions and answers in Word of pdf format to the instructor by Canvas email no later than 5 pm on Sunday the last day of Session 5. In the beginning of your emial message identify the class session for the homework being submitted. Study Questions: 1. Contrast chemical pesticides with industrial chemical pollutants as environmental health hazards. 2. Contrast the perspective of most of the world’s more developed countries with the perspective of sub-Saharan African nations on the use of DDT to control mosquitoes. 3. Why do you think integrated pest management is not more widely used in the United States? 4. Arguments for vegetarianism have been made on grounds of ethics, equity, and sustainability. Do you find any of these arguments compelling? Why or why not? 5. What are the key lessons to be learned from the experience with bovine spongiform encephalopathy? 6. Do you think the HACCP approach to food safety is an improvement over traditional “poke and sniff” inspections? Explain. |