Environmental Health

Home Page & Course Schedule

Distance Learning Section

Spring 2014


| Home/Schedule | Links | Overview |

Plagiarism Warning

Session 1

January 6-12

Chapter 1&2

Preview of Environmental Health and Science & Methods

Understanding Environmental Health

Course No:

Session 8

February 24 - March 2

Chapters 1 & 3

Raining Elijah



 EVR 2264

CRN: 1167 & 11672


Spring Break March 3-8



Session 2

January 13-19

Chapter  3

Living With Nature

Understanding Environmental Health


Edward T. Wimberley, Ph.D.

Professor, Ecological Studies

Session 9

March 10-16

Chapters 2 & 4

Raising Elijah





Office Location:



Session 3

January 20-26

Chapter 4 

Producing Energy

Understanding Environmental Health

College of Arts & Sciences, Division of Marine and Ecological Sciences

Rm. 259 Whitaker Hall


Session 10

March 17-23

 Chapters 5 & 6

Raising Elijah



(239) 405-4164 (Cell)


Session 4

January 27 - February 2

Chapter 5 

Producing Manufacturing Goods

Understanding Environmental Health

  Session 11

Chapter 7 & 8

Raising Elijah


Office Hours:

Office Hours: Thursdays, 9-10 am & 3-5 pm & By Appointment


Session 5

February 3-9

Chapter 6 

Producing Food

Understanding Environmental Health


Session 12

March 31 - April 6

Chapter 9 & 10

Raising Elijah


Class Meeting Time & Location:

This is a Virtual Class With Weekly Work Deadlines


February 10-16

Chapter 7

Living in the World We've Made

Understanding Environmental Health


Raising Elijah Review

April 7-13


Email Addresses:




Session 7

Maxwell Text Review

February 17-23


Session 14

April 14-20

Comp Distributed

Course assignments and schedule, course objectives, and grading weights and criteria may change as circumstances dictate and at the discretion of the instructor




Session 15

April 21-28

Comp Due by 5pm