
Session 12

Chapter 9 & 10
Eggs and Sperm - Bikes and Fracking

Raising Elijah


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Discussion Questions:

  1. What sort of toxins threaten the hypothalamus and how does the hypothalamus work?

  2. What is "infant puberty"?

  3. What are endocrine disruptors? Provide a couple of examples.

  4. How are children exposed to endocrine disruptors?

  5. What is testiculary dysgenesis syndrome?

  6. Why are young girls developing sexually and physically earlier with each generation?

  7. What are the environmental agents contributing to this early maturation?

  8. What is the importance of the Marcellus Shale?

  9. What are the risks associated with fracking?

  10. Finally, do some independent research on the author's assertions about the dangers of fracking and explain why you think the author is either accurate in her description or is overstting te issue.

Answer all of the discussion questions above and email the attached questions and answers in Word format to Canvas email by 5 pm on Sunday the last day of Session 12. In the title box on the email be sure to label your homework Enviro Health Session 12.