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Module 1 - Technical Orientation

Presentation - Technical Orientation

    This technical orientation will prepare you and your computer to participate in the class.
Module 2 - What is Culture?

Presentation Part 1 - What is Culture?

    Learn just what we mean by "culture".

Presentation Part 2 - Developing a Common Culture

    Understand the role of mass communication in forming a "Common Culture".

Presentation Part 3 - The Functions and Effects of Culture

    Understand how culture liberates and limits the individual.
    Understand how culture defines, divides, and unites us.
    And understand the difference between the dominant culture and sub-cultures.
Module 3 - Mass Media

Presentation Part 1 - The Communications Process

    Identify, define, and describe the function of each element in the communication process.

Presentation Part 2 - Communications Settings

    Describe and give examples of the 3 types of communications settings.

Presentation Part 3 - Nature of Mass Communications

    Apply concepts of Formal Organizations, Gatekeepers, Agenda Setting, Operating Expenses, and Competition for Profit to a simulation of a mass media setting.

Presentation Part 4 - The Role of Mass Communications

    Analyze media examples to determine what functions of mass communication are at work.

Presentation Part 5 - Current Trends in Mass Communications

    Analyze media examples to determine how people use mass communication in particular instances.

Presentation Part 6 - New Media Landscape

    Understand how current trends in mass communication will impact future mass communication.

Presentation Part 7 - Uses of Mass Media

    Identify instances of convergence and symbiosis in mass media.
Module 4 - Media and Culture

Presentation Part 1 - The Interaction of Media and Culture

    Media as a maker of myths.

Presentation Part 2 - The Interaction of Media and Culture

Presentation Part 3 - The Interaction of Media and Culture, continued

    Media as a shaper of attitudes.

Presentation Part 4 - The Interaction of Media and Culture

    Media and free time, the mediazation of leisure.
Module 5 - Consumer Culture

In Module 4, we examined the relationship between Media and Culture in detail.

In Module 5, we begin our study of the "Consumer Culture" and introduce the idea of "Consumer Literacy."

Presentation Part 1 - Why Consumers Consume

    1) People consume because they "want" something.
    2) People consume to establish relationships.
    3) People consume to help define their place and role in society.
    4) People consume to help define who they are as individuals.

Presentation Part 2 - The Development of a Consumer Culture

    Just as the Media expanded to fill leisure hours, marketing expanded to absorb disposable income.

Presentation Part 3 - How Consumers Make Choices, External Factors

Presentation Part 4 - How Consumers Make Choices, Internal Factors

    Consumers consume for one main reason - to find solutions to problems they either have or think they have.
Module 6 - Advertising Literacy

In Module 5, we examined the Consumer Culture and introduced the idea of "Consumer Literacy."

In Module 6, we'll look at the details of advertising.

Presentation Part 1 - Advertising Literacy

    Understanding the 3 meanings of advertising.
    Understanding the 3 categories of advertising.

Presentation Part 2 - Advertising Techniques, Motivation

    Understanding the motivating forces that lead you to make purchases.

Presentation Part 3 - Advertising Techniques, Facts

    Understanding the factual techniques used in advertising and persuasion.

Presentation Part 4 - Advertising Techniques, Emotion

    Understanding the emotional techniques used in advertising and persuasion.
Module 7 - Internet Literacy

Internet Literacy

    Once upon a time this meant web pages and e-mail. Now, it's all social media all the time. Social media can be a good way to stay in touch with friends, advance careers, even sell products. It can also destroy careers and even lead to suicide. Why? Because, on the Internet, a lie and the truth often look the same.

This is an official FGCU web page. Revised 01/01/2011
©2011, Terry Dugas

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