Module 3 Module 3 Module 3 Module 3
Module 3 Presentation Readings Assignments
Module 3 - Mass Media
Presentation Part 1 - The Communications Process
Identify, define, and describe the function of each element in the communication process.

Presentation Part 2 - Communications Settings
Describe and give examples of the 3 types of communications settings.
Presentation Part 3 - Nature of Mass Communications
Apply concepts of Formal Organizations, Gatekeepers, Agenda Setting, Operating Expenses, and Competition for Profit to a simulation of a mass media setting.
Presentation Part 4 - The Role of Mass Communications
Analyze media examples to determine what functions of mass communication are at work.
Presentation Part 5 - Current Trends in Mass Communications
Understand how current trends in mass communication will impact future mass communication.
Presentation Part 6 - New Media Landscape
Examine how current trends have changed the media industry and changed how it affects culture.
Presentation Part 7 - Uses of Mass Media
Examine how individuals use the mass media.
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©2011, Terry Dugas

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