Module Nine Notes
before going
on, please complete the student evaluation.
Click here to access the information on
how to do a correlation
We will not do calculations for the
linear regression. It will be enough for you to estimate this visually.
Take the scatter plot you have created for the Number of Employees Supervised
and the Stress Experienced by Supervisors.
Can you approximate the regression line?
Draw it through the points minimizing
the distance between the line and each point while making sure the line
is absolutely straight. You are not connecting the dots.
This line is called the regression line
or line of best fit. The formula is the same as for a straight line where
"a" is the y-intercept (where the line crosses the y-axis) and "b" is the
slope (rise over run).
The proportion of variance explained
is the correlation squared. If we square the correlation we obtained with
the data from the Number of Employees Supervised and the Stress Experienced
by Supervisors, we will get the proportion of variance in the dependent
variable, Stress Experienced by Supervisors, accounted for by all the predictor
variables taken together, Number of Employees. The proportion of variance
explained in this example is 77%.
Create the scatter plot for Class Size
and Math Test. Approximate the regression line. Calculate the proportion
of variance explained.
Click here to access the information
on how to do a T-test
We will not be calculating ANOVA's.
The procedure is similar to the T-test and interpretations are made in
comparable ways. The ANOVA is the most appropriate method when the research
question is similar to those answered by the T-test, but more than two
groups are being compared or a greater number of independent variables
are being included and subjects can not be matched on all variables. When
more than one dependent variable is included in the study, a MANOVA is
ususally the most appropriate method. All of these analysis procedures
analyze the variation among means of different groups.
Click here to access the information
on how to do a Chi-Square