Module Nine    Part II:
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research 
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Notes on Correlation 

Practice Set
    Correlation -- Step 1
    The first step is to enter the scores for each of the variables we are studying. Since it is reasonable to assume that the number of employees supervised will impact the level of stress experienced by the supervisor, we will call number of employees supervised our independent variable and label it "X". We will call the level of stress our dependent variable and label it "Y". 

    After entering these scores in the matrix, go ahead and on a piece of grid paper, label your x and y axes and plot these scores. This will give you an idea of the correlation. Can you determine whether the correlation will be positive or negative? Can you determine whether it will be strong, moderate, or weak?

Table 1
Click here to see Steps 2 and 3
      Chapter 3 Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research
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