IV. 1st Submission |
The first submission
will be discussed and peer reviewed in class during week 8. Upload your first submission into the
appropriate dropbox.
Please remember
that the first submissions accounts for 25% of your final grade. |
A. Cover Sheet Here is a link to Open Office if you do have a copy of word. |
B. Abstract: (Summarize the study.) |
C. Table of Contents (list of proposal
sections/subsections) (1 page) D. Introduction: (Why
is this important?) (Max 500 words) |
E. Research
Objectives: (What you intend to do?) (Max 100 words) |
F. Methods: (How
you will conduct the study?) (Max 700 words - data
analyses for 2nd submission) |
G. Literature Cited This needs to be complete.There is no minimum or maximum number of citation. You must adequately support your proposal. |
H. Curriculum
Vitae: (Biographical Information) As long as you need. |
First Submission: |
© Meers, Savarese,
Demers, Barreto, Kakareka, Volety, Everham, Cruz-Alvarez, Loh, Goebel, Fugate,
Bovard, Hartley, Mujtaba, & Gunnels 2009.
This is an
official FGCU web page. Florida Gulf
Coast University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
For changes,
dead-links, or mistakes, contact: ndemers@fgcu.edu