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Guidelines for Student Self-Evaluation

I view self evaluations as a chance for you to explain and describe yourself. It provides information about what you are really like, what your interests are, what your accomplishments are, what you have learned, what you are capable of learning, what sort of life you want to make for yourself, how you are able to work and so on. Your self evaluation should NOT have a negative focus. The self evaluation you turn in will help you and I to understand what your learning experiences were, what your goals are and how you are maturing as an informed citizen of this planet.  

Your evaluation should be neat, well-typed, and free from spelling and syntax errors. It should provide an
account of your ACADEMIC progress both in this class and your University experiences as a whole.  

Your evaluation should start with a statement of your reason for taking the class.  It should end with what you plan to do next.  

Your evaluation should NOT include:  

  • Negative comments about yourself, your work or your abilities.  (you can acknowledge poor work, but concentrate on what is positive). 
  • Emotional statements and excessive information about your personal life. 

Your evaluation SHOULD include:  

  • What you hoped to accomplish, and to what degree you met or surpassed your expectations.  
  • What you accomplished that you did not expect to happen.  
  • How what you have learned will help you reach the goals you have set for yourself.  

You may want to choose two or three specific items which were most important during the semester
in your education and describe how and why they were important or worthwhile.  

Be sure to avoid arrogance and boasting.  

This self-evaluation should be a recognizable portrait of yourself that helps you see how you are maturing and what activities have contributed the most to your education.  
* This guideline contains information from a similar document written at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.

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Course notes developed by Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D. Banner designed by Mason B. Meers, Ph.D.All rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without permission.
Updated 2003 by Nancy Edwards