
Daniel J. Borgia, Ph.D.
Office: Reed Hall, Room 112
Phone: 239.590.7371

Bradley K. Hobbs, Ph.D.
Office: AB3, Room 161
Office Hours: T,W,Th
9:30am - 11:30am or by Appt.
Phone: 239.590.7162

Steven R. Scheff, M.B.A.
Office: Reed Hall, Room 129
Phone: 239.590.7315



FIN 3403 Syllabus        * Download the Printer Friendly PDF Syllabus  (Acrobat Reader)

Course Summary:

Finance 3403 covers financial decision making in the corporation, including working capital and cash flow management, capital budgeting techniques, short and long term financing, and the capital structure of the business.



ACG2021, ACG 2071, ECO2023, CGS1100, MAC2233, and STA2023 all with a grade of C or better, and a TI BAII PLUS hand-held financial calculator.


Required Course Text:


Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Alternate Edition, 6th edition by Ross, Westerfield and Jordan, McGraw-Hill Irwin. Purchase only the alternate edition.


Course Schedule by Week:

See the Chapter Material for the complete schedule. It includes links to chapter notes, slides, and answers.


Exams will consist of true-false, multiple choice, and problems. The course grade will be determined as follows:
Student Problem manual 10%
In-Class Quizzes 15%
Exam 1 20%
Exam 2 25%
Comprehensive Final Exam 30%

A = 90% or better
B = 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = less than 60%


Policies and Guidelines:

  1. Attendance: You should attend all class sessions, and be prepared to participate in discussion of the material to be covered. This includes our first class, on August 23. If you must miss a session, you should obtain the notes from a classmate. You are responsible for knowing all material covered in class. That includes new material, assignments, exams, and changes to the syllabus.
  2. Homework and Quizzes: Written responses to the assigned questions and problems from the Student Problem Manual ("SPM") will be collected on the last scheduled day of chapter coverage as shown in this syllabus, and in-class quizzes will be given at the conclusion of each chapter, to help ensure that students are keeping abreast of the material. Quizzes will cover current material. Skipped assignments and missed quizzes will count as "0". The two lowest Quiz scores and the two lowest homework grades will be dropped in calculating your overall grade for each segment. The observant student will immediately notice that the answers are provided for all questions in the SPM; however, simply copying the answers without a full understanding will lead to poor performance on the exams.
  3. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to do their own work on exams and assignments, although the formation of cooperative study groups to discuss and apply the concepts of the course. is encouraged. Students will exhibit the highest ethical and moral standards while in class or participating in any class related activities.
  4. Exams and Missed Assignments: Examinations may consist of multiple choice, true/false questions, and/or problems drawn from the assigned readings, quizzes, and homework. Concepts carry over throughout the course, with approximately one-half of the comprehensive final examination based on material previously covered in examinations 1 and 2. Missed examinations, quizzes, and assignments cannot be subsequently made up. The weight of one missed examination (#1 or #2, but not both) will be added to the final examination. If you see that you will have an unavoidable conflict and notify your instructor at least 2 weeks before the scheduled examination, you may be allowed to take that examination earlier than scheduled. Missed quizzes and homework earn a score of "0". Late homework cannot be accepted; if you cannot attend class on the day that a homework assignment is due, have someone else hand it in for you or leave it in my mailbox by 5:00 p.m. of the due date.
  5. Assistance: Dr. Scheff will usually be available to meet with you individually before class between 3:00 - 4:30 pm. It's best to check ahead. Other arrangements may be made by appointment. Office hours for other professors will be posted on the website before class begins.
  6. Disability Accommodations Services: Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the University's guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodation to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Office of Multi Access Services located in the Student Services Building, room 214. The phone number is 590-7925 or TTY 590-7930.
The schedules and procedures in this course are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.


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