Module Ten    Other Design Issues 
Learning Objectives 
      Based on the text and class discussions, state the primary purpose(s) for single-case research. 

      Based on the text and class discussions and given the designs: phase change, alternating-treatment, multiple baseline, and factorial, compare and contrast these designs. 

      Given the research design of single case, describe methods for improving the validity and reliability. 

      Given an empirical single-case research article; identify the participant(s), independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), extraneous variable(s), treatment, design used (phase change, alternating-treatment, multiple baseline, or factorial), research question, research hypothesis, null hypothesis, data collection, data reduction technique(s), and conclusions reached. 

      Given an empirical single-case research article, evaluate the strength of the research design (consider what methods, if any, were used to improve validity and reliability). 

      Given the two research designs: single case and case study, create a table that compares and contrasts the two designs.

Overview of Module 10 Notes 
    Single Subject 
    Action Research 
    Education Research and Development 
    Seven Steps of the Research and Development Cycle 
      Research and Infomation Collection 
      Development of Prelimainry Form of Product 
      Main Field testing
On-line Activity 
       Data Collection Anyone? 

    Based on your research question presented during Module two, with your group members, describe your method of collecting data.  

        Post your answers on the  under the heading, "Data Collection Anyone?" See course syllabus for the date the assignment is due.

          Critique two articles. Check syllabus for due date.

          Project due - check syllabus for due date. 

       Chapter 6  Single Case Research

    Suggested References --

      Stringer, E.T. (1996). Action research: A handbook for practitioners. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
      Borg, W.R., & Gall, M.D. (1989). Educational research: An introduction (5th ed.). NY: Longman. 
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Module 10 Notes

Last updated August 2000 by Roberta McKnight.
Copyright 1999 Hewitt-Gervais & Baylen. 
All rights reserved.

Florida Gulf Coast University 
School of Education