The Site Map
 Welcome to the EDF 6481 Site Map! This map provides a graphical view of the course that illustrates the relationship between and among components: learning outcomes, competencies, content, and assessment. 
 The puzzle as a metaphor was selected to be the visual representation of the relationship between and among components of this course: learning outcomes, competencies, content, and assessment.  

Each piece of the puzzle corresponds to the module that students will complete. As you complete each module, you will see that a picture is formed. it is our way of communicating that "doing" research means seeing a piece or pieces as well as the whole picture (eventually) at the same time. 

Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will develop an in-depth knowledge of the research process. In addition, the purposes of the course are:  

    To introduce students to the concepts, methods, and applications of research in education (emphasis will be placed on practical issues related to the planning, conduct, and interpretation of research and its results). 

    To develop students' personal interests in research related to their particular fields of specialty, or to research in general.  

Updated last August 2000 by Roberta McKnight.   
Copyright 1999 Hewitt-Gervais & Baylen. 
All rights reserved.
Florida Gulf Coast University 
School of Education

Last updated August 2000 by Roberta McKnight.
Copyright 1999 Hewitt-Gervais & Baylen. 
All rights reserved.

Florida Gulf Coast University 
School of Education

Last updated August 2000 by Roberta McKnight.
Copyright 1999 Hewitt-Gervais & Baylen. 
All rights reserved.

Florida Gulf Coast University 
School of Education