Learning Objectives
Given the variable, a score on that variable, and the confidence interval; interpret the score. Based on the text and class discussions, differentiate between statistical significance and importance. Given the variable, a score on that variable, and the standard error of the difference between means, interpret the standard error of the difference between means. Based on the text and class discussions, define level of significance. Based on the text and class discussions, discuss reasons for establishing various levels of significance. Based on the text and class discussions, contrast one-tailed and two-tailed tests. Based on the text and class discussions, describe the purpose for the t-test, ANOVA, and Chi-Square. Given the variables, the means, and the t-value, f-value, or chi-square value; interpret the t-value, f-value, or chi-square value. Given an empirical research article; identify the participant(s), independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), extraneous variable(s), type (experimental or quasi-experimental), experimental group, control group, research question, research hypothesis, null hypothesis, data collection, sampling procedure, data reduction technique(s), and conclusions reached. Given an empirical research article; evaluate the appropriateness of the data analysis techniques used and the conclusions reached. |
Overview of Module 9 Notes
Linear Regression T-Test ANOVA Chi-Square Click here to access Module 9 Notes. |
On-line Activities
With your group and using the empirical
research article, Reading for Meaning: The Efficacy of Reciprocal
Teaching in Fostering Reading Comprehension in High School Students
in Remedial Reading Classes, answer the following questions:
2. Were the statistical procedures used appropriate? Again, if there is more than one research question, then there may be separate methods (statistical procedures) to answer each research question. You need to address each one independently. 3. What conclusions were reached? Are these reasonable given the findings? 4. Are there any threats to the validity of the study (internal or external)? If so, identify them (limit yourself to 3 or fewer), and determine a way to alter the design to avoid these threats. Submit your group work to the instructor via e-mail under the heading, "Striving for Control", Part 2." See course syllabus for the date the assignment is due.
Based on your research question presented
during Module Two, with your group members, discuss any threats to
the validity of your study and how these may be addressed.
Remember to be looking for empirical research articles related to your research question. With your group, summarize a third one
of the research articles you will be using in the project.
Submit this by e-mail to instructor under the heading, "Summary One." See course syllabus for the date the assignment is due. |