Module 11
Attributions are an individuals beliefs about what is the cause of certain outcomes, Bernard Weiner, the individual most associated with Attribution Theory and Motivation has identified 5 dimensions of attributions.
1) Locus: internal vs external
2) Temporal: stable vs. unstable
3) Generality: global vs. specific
4) Controllability: controllable vs. uncontrollable
5) Intentionality: intentional vs. unintentional
The attributions made by the individual will impact a variety of psychological processes.
Emotional Reactions to Success
If the individual attributes succes to soemthing internal, the reaction is likely to be pride.
If the individual attributes success to something external, the reaction is likely to be gratitude.
Emotional Reaction to Failure
If the individual attributes failure to something external, the reaction is likely to be anger and resentment,
If the individual attributes failure to something internal, the reaction is likely to be shame and guilt. Additionally, internal attributions (esp. to lack of abiltiy) leads to decreased esteem and efficacy.
Expectations for Future Success or Failure
If the individual attributes success or failure to stable attributes like inate ability, they will maintain stable predictions for future performance
If the individual attributes success of failure to unstable attributes, than past performance will have less impact on predictions of future performance.
Optimistic individuals attribute success to stable factors and failure to unstable and controllable factors.
Quick Practice
Based on the characteristics of attributes noted above, identify which of these are stable and which unstable, internal or external, etc.
1) Inherited ability
2) Personality
3) Effort
4) Health
5) Energy Level
6) Task Difficulty
7) Teachers Attitude
8) Luck