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NUR 4636C Community Partnered Care
Faculty:   Regina L. Payne, EdD, RN, CWOCN
     Anne Nolan, MS, RN, FRCNA
Fall 1999

Course Description Course Objectives


Teaching Strategies Required Textbook Faculty Information

Grading Standards

Graded Course Assignments Grade Determination Options


Course Description 

Students engage in community partnerships that are informed, flexible, and negotiable for empowering clients to determine their own health destinies.  The health of communities as determined by the lived experiences, values, struggles, and interconnectedness of the people that make up the communities are studied.  Public health and community health is examined regarding policies and legislative issues that influence distribution of health resources.



NUR 3123 Physiological Responses to Alterations in Health 
NUR 3145 Chemical, Herbal, and Nutritional Therapies
NUR 3065C Health Assessment: Basis for Professional Practice

Course Objectives
FGCU Student Learning Goals & Outcomes Course Objectives Assessment of Outcomes
VI.  Information Literacy
A.  Identify and locate multiple sources of information using a variety of methods.
B.  Analyze and evaluate information within a variety of disciplinary and professional contexts.
C.  Participate in collaborative analysis and/or application of infomation resources.


1.  Achieve self-learning goals established in concert with course goals


VI A: Develop,  implement, and achieve  self learning  goals;
Assess achievement of  self learning goals.
VI B:  Analyze and evaluate information:  Class presentations, field trips, practice activities, journaling, texts, readings, web sites, and research literature.
 VI C:  Participate in collaborative projects:  Community Assessment, Teaching Project, Class Presentation, Family Analysis and Health Care Plan, Service Learning, and/or Project of Choice.
II. Culturally Diverse Perspective
A. Know and understand the diversity of the local and global communities, including cultural, social, political and economic differences.
B.  Analyze, evaluate and assess the impact of differences in ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, native language, sexual orientation, and intellectual/disciplinary approaches.
C.  Participate in collaborative projects requiring productive interaction with culturally-diverse people, ideas, and values.
Discuss the effects of public policy upon culturally diverse and special need populations II A, B:  Work with culturally diverse families and communities:  Home visits, teaching projects with families and groups, participate in public health and human service. initiatives; Classroom discussion and practice project planning.
II C: Practice collaboratively with different cultures: Health clinics, community assessment, home visits, teaching projects, interviews, project planning, take home exam.
III. An Ecological Perspective
A. Know the issues related to economic, social, and ecological sustainability.
B.  Analyze and evaluate ecological issues locally and globally.
C.  Participate in collaborative projects requiring awareness and/or analysis of ecological and environmental issues.
IV: Effective Communication
A.  Know the fundamental principles for effective and appropriate communication, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
B. Organize thoughts and compose ideas for a variety of audiences, using a full range of communication tools and techniques.
 C. Participate in collaborative projects requiring effective communications among team members.
VII: Problem Solving Abilities
A. Understand the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of knowledge.
 B. Apply critical, analytical, creative, and systems thinking in order to recognize and solve problems.
 C. Work individually and collaboratively to recognize and solve problems.
VIII: Technological Literacy A. Develop knowledge of modern technology.
 B. Process information through the use of technology.
 C.   Collaborate with others using technology tools.
Implement community assessment in collaboration with members of the commuity, peers, and healthcare colleagues to identify health patterns within the community. III A, B, & C & VII A, B, & C:  Community assessment analysis of effects of environment on health; Classroom and practice discussion; journals. 
IV A, B, C:  Gathering data through interviews with community members &  leaders, healthcare workers, businesses; Community resource visits; Classroom and practice discussion; Journals.
VIII A, B, C:  Present Community Assessment & Recommendations to peers using technology tools; Email Journals; Assess Internet Web sites.
VII. Problem Solving Abilities
(See Outcomes above)
VIII. Technological Literacy
(See Outcomes above)
IX.  Community Awareness & Involvement
 A. Know and understand the important and complex relationships between individuals and the communities in which they live and work.
 B. Analyze, evaluate and assess human needs and practices within the context of community structures and traditions.
C. Participate collaboratively in community service projects. 
Examine the impact and core components of successful school health, home care, and occupational health.


 VII A, B, & C & IX A, B, C:  Visits to schools, client homes, and occupational site (U.S. Sugar); Journals; Partnering with community service agencies. 
VIII: Class presentation using  technology tools.
II: Culturally Diverse Perspective
(See Outcomes above)
IV: Communication 
(See Oucomes above)
V:  Ethical Responsiblility
 A. Know and understand the key ethical issues related to a variety of disciplines and
 B. Analyze and evaluate key ethical issues in a variety of disciplinary and professional contexts.
 C. Participate in collaborative projects requiring ethical analysis and/or decision-making. 
Interpret behavior patterns of clients from diverse socioeconomic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds  as a basis for nursing practice. II A, B, & C; IV A, B, & C; & V A, B, & C: Home visits to culturally diverse family; Family Assessment and Health Care Plan; Health Promotion/ Teaching; Journals
IV:  Effective Communication
(See Outcomes above)
VI:  Information Literacy
(See Outcomes above)
IX:  Community Awareness
(See Outcomes above)


Collaborate with members of the health care team in assisting clients to use appropriate health care resources


IV, VI & IX:  Visit  community resources to determine what is available  in the community. Write community resource report.  Work with family to determine needs and make appropriate referrals. Journals.


IV:  Effective Communication
(See Outcomes above)
VI:  Information Literacy
(See Outcomes above)
IX:  Community Awareness
(See Outcomes above)


Differentiate the role of public health and community health. IV, VI & IX: Class discussion, home visits, resource reports,  journaling,  & take home exam


Teaching Strategies

  • Discussion groups, guidelines, handouts, and PowerPoint technology 
  • Active learning exercises 
  • Group Interaction using various interactive tools 
  • E-mail communication 
  • Internet exercises 
  • Journaling 
  • Case Studies 
  • Student Presentations 
  • Practice experiences in community based sites, including client homes 


Required Textbooks

Swanson, J., & Nies, M. A. (1997).  Community health nursing: Promoting the health of aggregates (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

Standhope, M. & Knollmueller, R. (1997). Public and community health nurse's consultant: A health promotion guide.  St. Louis: Mosby

Reserve articles and Internet web sites


Faculty Information

    Course Faculty: Regina L. Payne, EdD,  RN, CWOCN

    Office Location: Griffin Hall, Room 248

    Phone Numbers: 
    941-590-7509  (Office) 
    941-466-7524  (Home)
    Beeper 489-6424

    Office Hours: 
    Monday 1:30-3:30 PM 
    Tuesday 9:00-12:00 AM

    Other hours available by appointment 

    rpayne @fgcu.edu 

Course Faculty:  Anne Nolan, MS, RN, FRCNA

Office Location:  Griffin Hall, Room 222 

Phone Number s:
941-590-7513  (Office)
941-629-0175  (Home)

Office hours: 
Monday 10:30-12:30 PM 
Tuesday 10:00-1:00 AM

Other hours available by appointment 


Location and Time of Course

Classroom:     Tuesday   2:00-3:30 PM 
Location:        ABII  Room 237
Practice:         Thursday   8:30 AM - 4:00  PM

Credit Hours: 4 credit hours 
       Class:          1.5  hours a week  ( Total:  22.5)
        Practice:     2.5 credit hours = 3 contact hours  x  2.5 credits = 7.5 practice  hours/week: 
                                                      Total practice hours required  = 112.5

Grading Standards

Numerical Grade Range
Letter Grade

*In the Department of Nursing, a grade of "C" or better constitutes satisfactory progression in required nursing (NUR) courses. 

University Academic Dishonesty/Cheating Policy:

"All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits.  The University policies regarding issues of honesty can be found under the "Student Code of Conduct" on pages 27-28 Academic Dishonesty/Cheating, and under "Policies and Procedures" on pages 38-47 of the the 1998-1999 FGCU Student Guidebook.  All students are expected to study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy."

Graded Course Assignments (Student's Choice)

Community Resource Visits
Date Due: Oct 26 
Teaching Project
Date Due: Nov 16
Family Assessment & Plan
Date Due: Nov 16
Project of Choice ( See faculty)
Date Due: Nov 23
     Take Home Exam
         Date Due: Nov 23
Community Assessment
        Date Due:  Dec 2
Class Participation & Presentation
Date Due:  Variable

Graded Learning Options

There are five graded learning options available for this class. Review each option carefully and select one. Students can make their selection eletronically and send. Due September 9.

Student Name: 

Option 1 

Community Assessment 25% 
Teaching Project 15% 
Class Participation & Presentation 20% 
Family Assessment & Health Care Plan 25% 
Take Home Exam 15%

Option 2 

Community Assessment 25% 
Teaching Project 15% 
Class Participation & Presentation 20% 
Family Case Study 25% 
Community Resource Visit 15%

Option 3 

Community Assessment 25% 
Teaching Project 15% 
Class Participation & Presentation 20% 
Family Assessment & Health Care Plan 20% 
Project of Choice* 20%

Option 4

Community Assessment 25% 
Teaching Project 15% 
Class Participation & Presentation 20% 
Project of Choice* 25%
Take Home Exam 15%

Option 5

Community Assessment 25% 
Teaching Project 15% 
Class Participation & Presentation  20% 
Family Assessment & Health Care Plan 20%
Take Home Exam 15%
Community Resources Visit 5%

*Describe your project of choice (Due Sept 23).


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