College of Health Professions
Department of Nursing
NUR 4636C Community Partnered Care

Family Health Assessment and Plan
Grading Criteria

The following criteria guide this assignment:

1. Identify priority Health Issues arising from your assessment. When you identify an issue provide the critical data you have collected and assimilated from your assessment to make this judgment  (20 points).

2. Provide a descriptive rationale (your reasoning) for why you believe this issue is a priority for you to address. Substantiate your rationale with citations from relevant literature (20 points).

3. Identify a client/family outcome for each issue identified that is realistic and appropriate within the timeframe that you have to work with the client/family. Describe how you would measure each outcome (20 points).

4. Design coventions aimed specifically at each outcome. Explain why these are appropriate for this situation and how you would evaluate if these are effective (20 points).

5. Make recommendations for ongoing care for this client/family that the next provider should follow up on and implement with the client/family (20 points).

                                                                                           TOTAL                                      100

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