Florida Gulf Coast University

College of Health Professions

Department of Nursing

NUR 4636C Community Partnered Care

Class Participation & Presentation Guidelines and Grading Criteria

Participant Role

The following beliefs about teaching and learning guide expected classroom behavior:

Grade: For each class, objectively self-rate own class participation on following four-point scale. With faculty consultation, the mean score will be added to Class Presentation grade.

Quantity and Quality of Participation:

  1. = Absent from class.
  2. = Minimal verbal non-evidenced based participation; Was not prepared for discussion; Listened attentively.
  3. = Moderate verbal evidence-based participation; Somewhat prepared with partial reading of assignments; Listened attentively; Contributed with several questions, ideas, or applications.
  4. = Full verbal evidence-based participation; Fully prepared for class with readings and thinking about applications in practice; Listened attentively; Contributed with questions, ideas, or applications.
1.  Class Topic 2.  Group Interaction Leader Role
1.  Class Topic (25 points) _____________ 2.  Creativity (15 points) ____________ (role play, case scenario, demonstration, audiovisual enhancements, debate, panel, exercises) 3.  Leadership Role (25 point) ____________ 4.  Organizational skills (20 points) ____________ 5.  Questions (15 points) ____________ Total points_________________

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RLP 1/99; rev 8/99