
Elias T. Kirche, Ph.D. 


Associate Professor

Decision Sciences

 College of Business

Phone: (239) 590-7325

Fax: (239) 590-7330





Office Location


Lutgert Hall

Suite 3304



Office Hours

 Monday and Thursday

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Or by appointment






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Help Desk







Welcome to QMB 6603*
Quantitative Methods in Business
Spring, 2009

CRN 10705

About the Course

This course is an introduction to basic quantitative tools used by operations managers to improve the decision making process in organizations, and the application of these tools to real life problems. Quantitative methods covered include decision analysis, game theory, forecasting, networking models used in project management, queuing, inventory models, and linear programming.

Emphasis is on concepts, applications, and interpretation of results rather than theory and calculations. We will use a computer software package, "The Management Scientist” and “TreePlan” add-in for model analysis. 

This Internet version of Quantitative Methods for Business through the Angel system was developed to give students the opportunity to take this course at their own location, and at their own pace within the parameters of the course schedule.

Course structure is provided through the course Schedule, which is linked at the bottom of this page.  In addition, a discussion forum is provided for those students who wish to participate in asynchronous class discussions via web board (our information trading booth), or live discussions via "chats." In Angel, you can access the web board and the live chat room through the In Touch tab.

E-mails will be the primary means of communication between the students and instructor.  Live computer chats can be scheduled with the instructor with one or several students in the same discussion room (synchronous communication), and the student can also use the phone for questions regarding this course.  Please, leave a clear message with your name and a phone where you can be reached.  Be sure to visit the Schedule at least on a weekly basis since it includes assignments and due dates.

Learning Objectives

Demonstrate ability to utilize quantitative analysis for operations management decision making, including problem definition, model development, analysis of results, and implementation. Show understanding of key modeling issues and technical expertise with a variety of methods.

Increase analytical and problem solving skills related to the management of operations, including the use of logical models and computer aided tools to solve problems related to production and services planning and operation, inventory management, capacity planning and resource allocation.

Understand the importance of preparing and presenting effective analysis of business problems involving the application of quantitative methods. The aim is to further enhance the student's ability to communicate business solutions in a professional manner by developing sound written reports which apply tools and ideas presented in class.

Course Overview

The notes provided in this course were developed by our dear professor Dr. Thomas Harrington and is being used with his consent.  Dr. Harrington has developed these notes after many years of experience in the US Air Force, in the private sector and in the classroom.  I believe they are of an immense value for the students and I do encourage you to take advantage of this additional resource available to you since it is presented in a well written, concise and full of practical examples.

This course is organized in nine main content modules that are to be completed in sequence. Each Main Module has Learning Objectives, Readings, Note Outlines, and an Assignment (no Assignment for Main Module 9). The Readings are from the course text, "Quantitative Methods for Business," and the software manual, "The Management Scientist." The Main Modules, with their direct links are:

Module 1: Decision Analysis

Module 2: Forecasting

Module 3: Waiting Line Models

Module 4: Simulation

Module 5: Resource Allocation and Linear Programming Models

Module 6: Transportation Models

Module 7: Project Scheduling and Network Analysis

Module 8: Capital Budgeting and Other Integer Programming Models

Each Main Module provides links to a set of lecture requirements.  The notes should be helpful in preparing for the course case assignments. These Modules may also be accessed through the Schedule page. 


Cases (70% weight)

Quantitative Methods for Business involves "learning by doing" course assignments. Seven cases are assigned from the text which must be completed by the students and forwarded to the instructor for grading. Additional cases may be assigned for reading only and not for grading (see course schedule).

The seven graded cases will be worth 10 points each.  One point per day will be deducted for cases turned in after the due date posted in the Schedule. Up to one point will be deducted for glaring spelling and grammatical errors in the answers to case questions.

Cases involve problem formulation and analysis by the computer software package, "The Management Scientist." Students communicate answers to case questions by preparing brief write-ups of their results. Computer output will be stored to a "Management Scientist" OUT program file, and inserted or copied and pasted to the Word document answer report. This file is then uploaded to their corresponding drop box in Angel for grading.

Students are encouraged to ask questions concerning the cases. Questions may be asked "publicly" by posting them to the appropriate conference on the course Web Board. For example, questions on Case 1 can be posted to the Module One Conference, under Lessons tab in Angel. The instructor and students may reply to these public questions. Alternatively, students may ask questions directly to the instructor via e-mail or during our live chats.

Final Exam (30% weight)

here will be one comprehensive final exam. The exam will be open notes and open book, but it is to be worked without consulting others. The exam will consist of short answer written and objective questions covering material from notes, the text and the cases. The exam will be posted on line to students and will be due not later than April 25. The final exam is worth 30% of the course grade.

Course Schedule

The Schedule provides a map of the course, and includes an index to Main Modules, Module Notes, Text and Software Manual Readings, and Assignment and Exam Due Dates. The schedule is organized by Week Number and Week Date.


Grades are A (90-100% of total points); B (80-89%); C (70-89%); and F (below 70%). Incomplete will be given by exception when a limited portion of the course material has not been completed by the exam due date, in accordance with University policy published in the Catalog.

Prerequisite Texts & Software

Anderson, D., Sweeney D., and Williams, T. (2006). "Quantitative Methods for Business (10th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing.

CD "The Management Scientist for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT (Version 6.0)" by Anderson, D., Sweeney D., and Williams., T. (2003), Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing. – Included in the textbook above


Academic Behavior Standards and Academic Dishonesty: All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The university policies regarding issues of honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the Student Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures sections.  All students are expected to study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy.   The FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at

Disability Accommodations Services: Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone number is 239-590-7956 or TTY 239-590-7930

Student Observance of Religious Holidays: All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs.  Students, upon prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances. Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will not be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class for a religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the reason for the absence. 

* Tentative outline.