The "For Kids Only" Learning Disabilities Website


The Armed Forces

We found a web site that will help give you the information that you could use to help when considering the Armed Forces as a future career.  Click on this link for information on Job Opportunities in the Armed Forces.



       ARMY                                    NAVY            



 AIR FORCE                MARINES


The requirements for each branch of the military are somewhat different.  In general, you should know the following:  


  1. Acceptance into the military is based heavily on the score the student makes on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
  2. The military requires a high school diploma for admission.  A standard diploma is preferred, but a diploma earned by passing the GED tests may be accepted.  However, a student with a GED diploma may be required to meet additional requirements.
  3. Special diplomas may or may not be accepted by military recruiters.

When considering the military, always check your local recruiters for the most up-to-date information.  Admission standards may change depending on how great the need is for recruits.  In addition, individual capabilities of the applicant may be taken into account.

Click here for more information on diploma options.  














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This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students  in EEX 6015: Learning Disabilities; and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 
Last modified: July 10, 2000
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