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EVR 2861

Introduction Environmental Policy

Session Two

A Framework for Understanding the Environmental Policy Issue


The Rosemont Copper Mine which is being considered in this class session is a controversy that will require your doing a bit of exploration on the web to see what you can learn about the controversy historically and currently. So be sure to fully explore the web on this issue beyond the video assignment.


Cohen, Steven (2014) Understanding Environmental Policy. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Chapter 2. Manuel Velasquez, Dennis Moberg, Michael J. Meyer, Thomas Shanks, Margaret R. McLean, David DeCosse, Claire André, and Kirk O. Hanson - Framework for Ethical Analysis (Santa Clara University); Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J. and Michael J. Meyer, "The Common Good" & "Justice & Fairness," "Ethical Relativism," "Utilitarian Approach to Ethics," "Ethics & Virtue," "Rights Approach to Ethics;" "Situation Ethics"

Video: Rosemont Environmental Analysis; Rosemont Copper's Plan of Mine Operation


  1. According to the text what was the environmental legacy of former President George W. Busn?
  2. Cohen's policy analytic framework deals with 5 constant issues in all environmental policy decisions. Briefly enumerate those issues and describe them.
  3. To what source did Cohen look in designing this framework?
  4. To what purpose was this week's text written?
  5. Discriminate between these concepts: (a) Common Good (b) Fair & Just (c) Ethical Relativism (d) Situation Ethics (e) Virtue Ethics (f) Utilitiarianism (g) "Rights" Approaches to Ethics.
  6. Provide examples of each of the five dimensions of the analytical framework Cohen provides and comment upon each example.
  7. Describe how Cohen's framework as illustrated below works.
  8. How do Baybrooke and Lindblom describe the policy making process?
  9. Identify three questions proffered by the author for each of these 5 analytical framework dimensions.
  10. What are the purported flaws in the proposed Rosemont Copper Mine evaluation analysis?
  11. What steps does Rosemont Copper propose to protect the environment when building its new mine in Arizona?