Thomas C. Harrington, Ph.D. 



Decision Sciences



AACSB International Accreditation

 College of Business

Phone: (941) 590-7381

Fax: (941) 590-7330






Office Location


Reed Hall (Academic II)

Room 123







Consultation Hours


 Voice/e-mail Anytime


WebBoard Discussion

Thursday, 9:30 - 10:30 p.m.


 On-campus Office Hours

Thursday, 1 - 6 p.m.







 Technology Support / 

Help Desk







Welcome to QMB 6305
Statistical Methods for Management
Fall, 2001


Please visit the Course WebBoard (just click on the underlined name WebBoard above, or click on the WebBoard Icon at the bottom of this page) and respond to the Virtual Role Call Conference with your preferred name and e-mail address. Please try to do this by September 1, 2001.

First VOLUNTARY Chat Session, through the Course WebBoard Module 1 Conference, will be 9:30 p.m., August 30, 2001 - please join the Chat session to ask questions/discuss the course.

About the Course

This course develops the basic statistical tools used in quantitative analysis in business. Topics include descriptive statistics, interval estimation, hypothesis tests, correlation and regression analysis, analysis of variance and analysis of categorical data.

Emphasis is on applications, concepts and interpretation of results, rather than theory and calculations. Students use a computer software package for data analysis.

This Internet version of Statistical Methods for Management was developed to give students the opportunity to take the course at their own pace and location. However, a schedule (select
Module Schedule) is provided for those students who prefer more structure and an opportunity to use the WebBoard to "discuss at a distance" statistical concepts, applications and projects.

Whether you use the WebBoard or not, be sure to visit the Module Schedule at least on a weekly basis since it includes assignments and due dates for assignment exams.

Learning Objectives

Select, understand and apply appropriate statistical tools for descriptive, inferential and predictive analysis of quantitative and qualitative data from a variety of scenarios.

Use statistical software package for data analysis; understand basic data gathering and input considerations; and be able to interpret output.

Know ethical considerations in collecting data and selection of appropriate analysis tools; and know how to report results in a fair, objective and neutral manner.

Course Overview

This course is organized in six main content modules that are to be completed in sequence. The Main Modules may be accessed through the Module Schedule that is linked at the bottom of this and other course Web pages.

Each Main Module has Learning Objectives, Notes, an Assignment (no Assignment for Main Module 6), and a Readings list. The Main Modules, with their direct links are:

Module 1: Presenting, Describing and Inferring from a Sample of Numerical Data

Module 2: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation

Module 3: Multiple Regression and Model Building

Module 4: Comparing Multiple Samples of Numerical Data

Module 5: Presenting, Describing and Inferring from Categorical and Discrete Data

Module 6: Course Review

Each Main Module is further broken down into topics. For example, Module 1 includes five topics. The first topic, Module 1.1, "Why Statistics for Managers," introduces the course; and is followed by Module 1.2, "Describing Data with Pictures." Each topic includes notes and examples from Excel.

The notes serve as the course textbook and should be helpful in preparing for the course assignments. The notes can be accessed through the Module Schedule as well as through the parent Main Module.


Statistical Methods for Management involves "learning by doing" course assignments. The first three course assignments involve the analysis of sets of data collected by students, preferably from environments in which the student works or volunteers their time. Data may also be gathered from University processes for these three assignments.

The first three assignments will be graded, as explained in the exam section below. The last two assignments involve the analysis of sets of data provided in the module notes, and are worked within the module notes. Although the last two assignments are not graded, students are encouraged to submit their analysis or questions to the instructor for feedback. The statistical analysis for all cases will be done using Microsoft Excel 2000.


There will be four exams, each worth 100 points. The first three exams are based on the first three assignments, and cover the first three main modules in the course. Exams are open book/notes, and include short answer/ objective questions about the assignment. The questions are worth 90 points, with 10 points for correct Excel Assignment input/output. These 10 points will be deducted for exams and/or Excel Assignments turned in past the due date shown in the Module Schedule, and repeated in the parent Main Modules.

The last open book/open notes exam will cover general questions from the first three Modules and Assignments, plus material covered in Modules 4 and 5.

Exams One, Two and Three will be e-mailed to students upon their communicating to the instructor that the respective assignments have been completed. THIS COMMUNICATION MUST BE VIA E-MAIL, AND THE RESPECTIVE ASSIGNMENT MUST BE ATTACHED. Exams may be electronically mailed or faxed back to the instructor by the due date. The fourth and final exam will be electronically mailed to students on the first day of final exam week.


The Module Schedule provides a map of the course, and includes an index to Main Modules, Module Notes, Assignment and Exam Due Dates, and WebBoard discussion dates and times. The schedule is organized by Week Number and Week End Date. The ending date of each week is provided in order to relate to the dates when course assignments and exams are due.

The schedule is suggested for those students who prefer to pace themselves through the course, and take advantage of WebBoard discussions with the instructor and classmates on topics listed for the week. However, the schedule is optional, and students may prefer to proceed at their own ACCELERATED pace. For those students wishing to accelerate the course schedule, Main Modules and associated assignments will be available by August 27, 2001. However, updated Module Notes written by the instructor may not be available until one week prior to the scheduled assignment of the module.

The critical item to remember is that project assignment and exam due dates apply for all students registered in the class. That is, the schedule may be accelerated but not delayed. The Module Schedule may be accessed through links available at the bottom of the course web pages.


Grades are A (90-100% of total points); B (80-89%); C (70-89%); and F (below 70%). Incomplete will be given by exception when a limited portion of the course material has not been completed by the last exam due date, in accordance with University policy published in the Catalog.


Microsoft Excel 2000 (earlier versions will work).

Optional Course Material

Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams. "Contemporary Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel," Cincinnati OH: South-Western, 2001. This text is available through the FGCU Bookstore (to order by phone call (941) -590-1150), and may serve as an additional course resource for students who desire additional explanation of topics, additional examples, additional Excel demonstrations, or more in-depth coverage of a particular topic. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE THE TEXT TO COMPLETE THE COURSE - it is available simply as an additional resource.



  About the Course

Module Schedule

Web Board