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Colloquium Assignments - Papers

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For Fall 2011 write paper 1 for the second day of class and then pick one of the following 3 Research Paper essays:

Essay 1

Experience and Education

Paper one is due to the ANGEL dropboxes by 5 PM on the day of session two.  Submit your paper as a double-spaced word document in the drop box on ANGEL.  Be sure to answer ALL the prompts below in your essay. Do not just reply to each prompt, but rather create an essay with a thesis where the prompts support that thesis.

What is your educational autobiography?

Prepare by reading Chapter 1, 2 and 3 from this short book of essays by John Dewey about experience and education, and the chapter by Marjorie Stoneman Douglas from the Colloquium reader then compose your essay.

This should be more than a recounting; it is an opportunity to consider your educational experiences in light of Dewey’s philosophy of experiential education. 

Consider your educational experience in light of reading John Dewey:
Integrate Dewey’s principles with your experiences in an academic essay (introduction, body and conclusion) containing precise references to the reading. Connect his philosophical notions to examples from your experience by citing specific language.  Be sure to use proper citation techniques. 

Reflect upon your own education in both formal (schooling) and non-formal (scouting, church, family, adventures, television etc) settings as it relates to Dewey, and to your experiences to date. 

Address the following:
What have been the most important influences in your education? Include reflections from both your formal and informal schooling.

Who has shaped your education? How? (Parents, specific teachers, religious leaders etc)

What are the important educational events and or ideas in your life?

What does Dewey mean by “mis-educative”?  Have you had such experiences in your education?  How and why?

What does Douglas' essay have to do with experiencing the Everglades? What did you learn as a result of reading her essay?

How might these two readings be helping you prepare for this Colloquium based on experiential education?

Minimum of 3 pages

Pre-writing instructions:
You should read Dewey prior to writing the paper. 

Select material about John Dewey:

 a Wikipedia entry about Dewey - read the entry 'on education'

Center for Dewey Studies

Research  Paper directions:
The paper is to be composed as a college-level essay, using APA citations and references. Do not, however, use cover sheets, running headings or excess margins and spacing. Use double-spacing and small margins to save paper.

At least 8 references from the following: Colloquium Reader, State of the World/Plan B, "The Earth Charter," (www.earthcharter.org) and/or your Floridian book (eg."Manatee Insanity") are required. The State of the World/Plan B book count as one reference; each reading in the Colloquium Reader are separate references. More references are acceptable, and other credible outside references are also acceptable, but you must use at least 8 of the required course readings (including the Earth Charter)/books. Any Internet sources must be annotated with an evaluation of credibility.
In your essay, address one of the following area. Use the questions listed to frame your essay. Do not structure your essay to specifically answer each question! Be sure to have a specific idea/thesis statement that the rest of the paper will support.

1)    With respect to the topic you investigated for your group presentation, summarize or describe the topic, use examples to support your description. How does this topic relate to you?  your life? your work? your major? your university? How is this topic related to the other required readings (eg. Louv, Diamond, Carson, Orr, Leopold)?  Are the ideas/solutions presented in Plan B realistic based on your experience? How does this topic relate to the concept of sustainability, ecological literacy and/or sense of place? Be sure to explain and defend your position using specific examples from the assigned readings/websites and your experience.

2) What is the relationship between people and the environment in your Floridiana book (eg. “Manatee Insanity")? Select three characters and describe how each of those characters treats the land and/or how is the environment represented? How does this compare to your worldview? Do the courses in your major reflect your match your worldview? Can you relate the characters/ideas in your Floridiana book to what Louv, Leopold, Carson, Orr, Diamond the other readings are saying?  Are the concepts of sustainability, ecological literacy and/or sense of place demonstrated in your book? How does the FGCU campus design reflect the worldview of the University? How do the locations of our field trip reflect the worldview of the owners of those locations?  What is the worldview of the stakeholders in the Everglades Restoration? Use specific examples from your book, the readings, websites and your experience to support your ideas.

3) David Orr, in his book Ecological Literacy, claims “. . . all education is environmental education.  By what is included or excluded, emphasized or ignored, students learn that they are a part of or apart from the natural world.  Through all education we inculcate the ideas of careful stewardship or carelessness.” (p. 90) What is the difference between stewardship, conservation and sustainability (Orr, Leopold, Shiva, Carson)? How has your education shaped your view of stewardship, conservation and sustainability? Do the courses in your major demonstrate stewardship, conservation and sustainability? Where and how should environmental education, ecological literacy and sustainability be taught? What is the role of environmental education in higher education? Is the “Biophilia Revolution” (Orr) present at FGCU? Does FGCU practice sustainability, conservation or stewardship? Use specific examples from the readings, websites, and your experience to defend your ideas.


  The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the author and in no way represent those of FGCU or the FGCU board of trustees
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