This is the portal to the
Summer, 2008 Colloquium section (CRN 50074).
Please enjoy your visit,
contact me
with your ideas or comments about the site.
The wisdom of designing Cradle to Cradle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoRjz8iTVoo :William
This is
good, and FUN to watch- he makes very long sentences where
all the words start with the same letter!
story of STUFF on
your tube |
"The economy is a wholly owned
subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around."—Gaylord
2008 --25th Anniversary of "State of the World"
Innovations for a Sustainable Economy.-
beyond the book
Stories in the news,
videos on You-Tube and other current applications of the course goals.
Remember the laws of
unintended consequences |
Local and State (Florida)
Events: FGCU- 16 acre solar-field
planned for campus
Florida's Environmental Enforcement continues downward slide (PEER
June 2008)
First International Conference on Mining Impacts to the Human and
Natural Environments (Punta Gorda, March
15, 2008)
Florida's Vanishing Wetlands- special series by Craig Pittman at St.
Pete's Times- highlights issues with mitigation banking
NPR- Social networks influence behaviors (For
smokers- quitting may be contagious) -- relate to the current Myspace and facebook phenomena
National Events:
Reasons for Hope
Rockport MO- wind farm
Featured (May 19, 2008) on A Closer Look with Charles Gibson,
Rockport Missouri is generating 123% of its energy needs with 4 wind
Juneau Alaska
residents respond
to a recent avalanche with dramatic reduction in consumption
through conservation.
Community Gardens
GOOGLE Earth now has a "street view" feature!
The Dangers of
Plastic Bags- a powerpoint with graphic images and interesting facts
on one of the outcomes of our disposable societal ways.
USDA's Community Farms and Sustainable Agriculture
An EXCERPT from Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): An Annotated
Bibliography and Resource Guide.
USDA's Community Supported Agriculture publications
Community Food to School Coalition: National Farm to School Program
Introduction to Community Supported Agriculture
National Events:
Historically significant events:
Obama clinches democratic presidential nomination
from Clinton (June 3, 2008)
Are Organic Tomatoes Better? (NPR May 29, 2008)by
Allison Aubrey about how conventionally grown (highly-over-fertilized)
tomatoes have far fewer nutrients than organically grown foods.
National Events:
Reasons for
Gov. Crist (VP hopeful?) now (June 18, 2008) says
states should decide if they want offshore drilling. What happened
to the Global climate commitment?
EPA ducks duty to keep water clean By CARL
HIAASEN (June 15, 2008 Miami Herald)
Global Events:
Cyclone hits Myanmar- Military government refused most
international aide
Earthquake hits China- many one-child
children killed when thousands of schools collapse. Government
seems to be dealing with disaster.
Environmental news stories:
A vast swath of the Pacific, twice the size of Texas, is full of a
plastic stew that is entering the food chain. Scientists say these
toxins are causing obesity, infertility...and worse.
How Green is the College? Time for Showers (NY Times article
about Oberlin) May 26, 2008
Some claim that the
rising price of gas is a product of a
democratic run congress- What manipulations of data can you produce
that is as convincing as this? |
and musings from
ned on this 6 week adventure:
We have not come up with alternatives to petroleum products because the
consumer did not demand it since the price was so low.
The strategies and technologies
are ready and waiting to help us transition to sustainability.
Laws guide actions:
Accrediting bodies and state law mandate how
many contact hours are required for each credit hour of class.
Today the field trip
was done by 10:15- I must assume that all of you were taking that
additional hour of class time to work with your groups on the
assignments for next week, and or other class tasks. ;-)
You tube excerpts
--to make you laugh, and cry
Escape from Suburbia- trailer from You Tube
Escape from Suburbia returns to Willits, California
This kid deserves an Oscar- Bush on Global Warming
Human Development Report 2006- Beyond Scarcity
(Global consideration
of water as a basic human right- in keeping with the
Development Goals).
McDonough: The wisdom of designing Cradle to Cradle
This is good, and FUN to watch- he makes very long sentences- a great
one sentence Game! |