Sawgrass Elementary School: A Collage of Learners |
Survival Kit
Once you begin to volunteer don't forget to pick up your "Survival Kit" on your first day. Your "Survival Kit" will help you get through through the day. Enclosed you will find some ordinary items that contain a special message. This "Survival Kit" was especially constructed for your use at any time. Store it in a handy place. This kit contains the following items: 1. A Tootsie Roll-To help you roll with the punches. 2. Toothpick-"To help you pick out" the good qualities in others. 3. Penny-so that you have enough "cents" to realize what a valuable asset you are. 4. Lifesaver-To remind you of the many times others need your help and you theirs. 5. Rubber Band-Reminder to stay flexible. 6. Paper Clip-To help hold it all together. 7. Candle-A reminder to share your light. 8. Marble-To help keep you rolling (or in case you lose yours). 9. Puzzle Piece-without you, things wouldn't be complete. 10. Nuts-To help a little nutty sometimes and have a good laugh. We hope you have a great time volunteering in our school. We know that you will be a great asset to our students. Thank you!
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