This course examines
the myriad of programs and services available to the elderly individuals
and his/her families. It explores legislative, historic and demographic
trends in the field of aging, health and mental health employment
and senior centers.
You will complete
the following:
demographic implication of an aging population and how that relates
to services and program needs and translate these issues into trends
for the future
Understand the variety of programs and services available in
the community setting for seniors and relate how these programs/services
assist the senior's quality of life
Understand the Older Americans Act and other major Federal
and state programs that impact the quality of life for older adults
Examine vocational opportunities serving older adults and special
training needed for those jobs.
Course Goals:
At the conclusion of the course, the student will be able to:
Read and understand professional publications dealing with
programs and services for the older adult.
Examine and analyze current federal, state and local funding
sources available to serve both frail and well elderly.
Explore and analyze the services currently available for the
older adult population.
Insightful understanding of the attitudes about aging.
Identify and analyze basic issues raised in a complex provider
Understand a myriad of services and programs for the older
adult population and how each crosscut each other.
Apply problem-solving skills to study and resolve practical
and professional questions that arise in a complex setting.
Outline, research and develop a written project relating to
an existing program/service or to a new concept of delivering a program/service.
Teaching Strategies:
Diverse instructional methods,interdisciplinary group sessions and
assignments, and collaborative strategies will be utilized. Class
sessions will utilize large, small and list serve/email seminar formats.
Required TextBook:
Wacker, R., Roberta, K and Piper, L (1998), Community Resources
for Older Adults. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.