Oh where did you go... I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests ... Oh what did you hear ... the roar of a wave that could drown out the world... What'll you do now ... I'll walk to the depths of the deepest dark forests, and reflect from the mountains so all souls can see it... It's a hard rain gonna' fall... The answer my friend, is blowin' in the wind Robert Zimmerman


This project was intended to examine the vegetation dynamics associated with hurricane disturbance and recovery in a wet tropical forest, the LEF. I collected data on the vegetation during the first five years of recovery in an effort to understand the factors that influence the spatial pattern of damage and the factors that control the path to and rate of recovery, as quantified by changes in: community composition, biomass, and canopy structure. My conclusions regarding hurricane disturbance and recovery are incorporated into a computer simulation model, RECOVER. These efforts are based on a direct gradient approach to understanding the impacts of disturbance. I use simulated levels of abiotic factors, measured intensities of hurricane damage, and topographic position to describe the positions in gradient space following disturbance and test the predictive ability of this gradient approach in determining the dynamics of recovery. There are five specific goals to this project: 1) to describe the spatial patterns of hurricane damage and the factors that influence these patterns, 2) to predict the vegetation community response to gradients of hurricane damage, 3) to assess the role of gradients of solar radiation and soil moisture in predicting rates of biomass accumulation, 4) to analyze the dynamics of recovery of the canopy structure and the factors that influence this process, and 5) to develop a spatially explicit landscape simulation model of the hurricane disturbance and recovery that incorporates the above concepts. These goals are examined in chapters two through six, respectively. Chapter 1: Catastrophic Wind Damage to Forests - I began with a review of the literature relating to catastrophic wind impacts on forests. With this review I attempted to answer seven questions: 1) How should catastrophic wind intensity be quantified? 2) How should catastrophic wind effects be quantified? 3) Is catastrophic wind damage homogeneous, or are there spatial patterns of damage, and can these patterns be predicted? 4) How do biotic factors (e.g. tree size, species, and stand differences) influence damage? 5) How do abiotic factors (e.g. topography, soil, and previous disturbance) influence damage? 6) Can any generalizations be drawn regarding the dynamics of recovery from catastrophic winds? 7) Are there consistent differences between tropical and temperate forests in terms of wind disturbance and response? How should catastrophic wind intensity be quantified? I suggest that all studies of catastrophic wind impacts include these five measurements: 1) maximum sustained wind, 2) maximum gusts, 3) storm duration, 4) rainfall total and percent of average annual rainfall, and 5) distance between the study site and the site of measurement of the above parameters. How should catastrophic wind effects be quantified? Different measures of hurricane damage result in different conclusions about severity of disturbance. To facilitate comparisons between sites I suggest a dual measure of severity: 1) structural loss - percent basal area lost or percent stems lost, and 2) compositional loss - percent mortality. Regardless of individual research questions, catastrophic wind researchers should report totals for their sites that include structural loss and compositional loss. Is catastrophic wind damage homogeneous, or are there spatial patterns of damage, and can these patterns be predicted? Catastrophic wind damage does not affect the landscape uniformly. Increasing intensity of wind results in a gap size distribution skewed increasingly to larger gaps, but the full range of gap sizes from small to large is still created. With increasing damage, the landscape changes from a forest with gaps to one with isolated stands of intact forest. How do biotic factors (e.g. tree size, species, and stand differences) influence damage? Stem size, species, stand conditions, and pathogens may all influence the severity of damage during a windstorm. I hypothesize that the relationship between stem size and damage is unimodal and that studies indicating other patterns are limited in sample size or by the categories of stem size used in the analysis. The differential effects of wind on different species are thoroughly documented. In addition, some successional class trends exist. Pioneer species, such as Cecropia schreberiana in this study, appear to be more susceptible to damage and more likely to die. How do abiotic factors (e.g. topography, soil, and previous disturbance) influence damage? Topography, disturbance history, and soil conditions all influence severity of damage. The role of topography in channeling wind is complex. Valleys are not always protected sites, even when their aspects do not align with the storm winds. Of particular interest is the influence of lee slopes, which may provide protection, and may be sites of turbulent airflow and therefore increased damage. Ridges are more exposed to acute wind conditions, but may be pre-conditioned by chronic wind and therefore experience less damage. The relationship between soil and wind damage relates to root growth, which may be restricted by: shallow soils, high water table, a shallow impermeable soil layer, or soil texture. Previous disturbances may influence subsequent wind damage by: a) increasing turbulence by opening the canopy, b) selectively removing susceptible trees, and c) shifting the vegetation composition toward more wind resistant species. Can any generalizations be drawn regarding the dynamics of recovery from catastrophic winds? Four distinct paths of response are identifiable: regrowth, recruitment, release, and repression. But the influence of disturbance severity and environmental gradients on these paths is little understood. I propose that the dual damage parameter of structural and compositional damage holds promise toward predicting the principal path of response to wind disturbance. Are there consistent differences between tropical and temperate forests in terms of wind disturbance and response? There is a latitudinal gradient of increasing frequency and intensity of catastrophic wind toward the tropics and corresponding differences in the rate and path to recovery. Regions that are more frequently impacted by these storms exhibit lower levels of mortality, although structure damage may be high, and recover at a faster rate relative to temperate regions. Chapter 2: Factors Influencing the Spatial Pattern of Hurricane Damage - I examined three aspects of the spatial pattern of hurricane disturbance: 1) how do the spatial patterns vary with different measures of hurricane damage, 2) what is the gap size of hurricane disturbance, and 3) what are the relative roles of abiotic environmental factors (topography, substrate features, and disturbance history) and biotic factors (stem density, basal area, and community structure) in influencing patterns of disturbance. Relative to the last issue, I tested this hypothesis: Hypothesis 1 - Hurricane damage is more highly correlated to abiotic environmental factors than to biotic factors. Different measures of hurricane damage lead to different perceptions of patterns of damage over the landscape. The more general measures of damage, such as basal area lost or canopy damage, tend to minimize the species-specific differences and result in more complex patterns of damage with increasing proportions of larger patches in the scales examined in this study (tens to hundreds of meters). Hurricane damage results in distinct patches of damage. Again, with more general measures of damage, more larger patches (> 0.04 ha) are identifiable, and a greater proportion of the total damaged area is in large patches. Although more large patches are created, the majority of patches are small (0.0025 ha) and isolated. At scales of tens of meters, the pattern of damage is controlled principally by biotic factors, specifically the distribution of species that respond differently to hurricane winds, therefore the hypothesis is rejected. A trend appears to exist with increasing importance of abiotic factors (topography and storm intensity) at large spatial scales, shifting to control by biotic factors at finer spatial scales. Chapter 3: Hurricane Damage Gradients and Vegetation Community Dynamics - The use of a two-dimensional gradient space of structural damage and compositional damage is effective in differentiating sites whose recovery is dominated by recruitment of early successional species as opposed to those sites whose recovery is dominated by regrowth of surviving primary forest species. These two appear to be the principal vectors of recovery of the LEF following Hurricane Hugo: regrowth and recruitment. This predictive model is effective on the largest scales, tens of hectares, in this study, and down to the scale of 20 m plots, but fails if the plot data is taken from a finer resolution (5 m). At this fine a spatial scale, plots can be impacted by damage that occurred outside the plot. The failure of the two-dimensional damage gradient space is most often related to plots that recover through recruitment, but are classified as undamaged. Chapter 4: Biomass Production in Response to Post- Hurricane Environmental Gradients - I assessed the predictive power of the primary gradients of soil moisture and solar radiation and the secondary gradient of hurricane damage, in determining rate of biomass accumulation. I examine the question: are energy profits maximized at the center of gradients of abiotic environmental factors? My results show a distinct sensitivity of post-disturbance growth to gradients of solar radiation and soil water. The relationship developed in the BEW seems robust enough to transfer to the HRP, resulting in 78% of plots correctly categorized in terms of growth rate. Maximum growth rates after disturbance are concentrated in intermediate soil moistures, but at the higher solar radiation levels. It is possible that solar radiation levels higher that those simulated for this study would result in lower growth levels, but these results to do not support the assumption that net energy profits, as reflected by growth rate, will be maximized at the center of gradients of abiotic environmental factors. Chapter 5: Canopy Restructuring in Response to Hurricane Disturbance - I described canopy structure using the foliage profile technique, and combined sampling layers into five: 1) herb (0-1 m), 2) shrub (1-4 m), subcanopy (4-12 m), canopy (12- 20 m), and surviving (20-30 m). I evaluated the role of two secondary gradients in influencing the dynamics of canopy restructuring: 1) community dynamics (driven by gradients of hurricane damage) and 2) topographic position. I tested two specific hypotheses: Hypothesis 2 - Recovering forest stands have significantly different canopy structures when dominated by recruitment (early successional species) as opposed to dominated by regrowth (surviving late successional species). Hypothesis 3 - Canopy structure is significantly different between sheltered valleys and exposed ridges. Hypothesis 2 - Canopy structure differences in recovery vectors - Tree community differences (quantified by API) resulting from different severities of hurricane disturbance, result in two distinct patterns of canopy recovery. In plots dominated by recruitment of pioneer species, the canopy recovers as a homogeneous layer that grows upward, shading lower levels. In plots dominated by regrowth of surviving trees, the canopy grows outward from these trees, creating a foliage profile that is more heterogenous, and with more structure at lower levels. The statistical tests applied to these two canopy structures did not detect significant differences in the overall distribution or in the variance of the canopy height. However, in both vectors, the canopy layers are significantly different from each other, but the maximum cover occurs in the shrub layer of plots dominated by regrowth, and in the subcanopy layer of plots dominated by recruitment. The herb layer, predicted to have the highest percent cover in the regrowing plots, had less cover than the shrub layer, possibly because of shading from the dense shrub layer. Hypothesis 3 - Canopy structure differences in topographic position - The difference in solar radiation available to lower canopy levels is amplified by topographic position. Sheltered valleys receive less solar radiation due to shading of the terrain, so the lower canopy levels have less structure and the difference between these two vectors of recovery is increased. More diffuse solar radiation penetrates to the lower canopy levels on exposed ridges, so the vegetation structure at these levels is denser and the difference between the two vectors of recovery is diminished. The statistical tests applied to these two canopy structures did not detect significant differences in the overall distribution. However, the percent cover of the shrub layer is significantly lower in the valley sites that on the ridge sites. The herb layer, again, showed no difference. This lowest layer of the canopy may be responding to a moisture gradient rather than solar radiation levels. Chapter 6: A Simulation Model of the Response of Vegetation to Hurricane Disturbance - I synthesized all of these findings into a computer model, driven by secondary gradients of topography and hurricane damage, and simulated primary gradients of solar radiation and soil moisture. This model predicts patterns of recovery as quantified by community change, biomass production, and structure of the canopy. This model reasonably represents the dynamics of recovery during the first four years of recovery. When applied to longer simulations, questions regarding the dynamics of recovery can be examined. Simulated results indicate little impact of including a reorganization phase in the recovery process. Increasing the estimated recovery time from 60 to 100 years also has little impact, except due to the elevated biomass assumed to be associated with a longer recovery time. Since recovery is modeled as an asymptotic curve, the fastest rate of recovery occurs in the first years following disturbance, so lengthening the recovery time has little effect. Changes in the disturbance regime do impact the variables used to track recovery. Disturbance frequency seems to have a greater impact on community composition, biomass levels, and canopy structure, than does changing the intensity of storms.


The Multiple-Dimension Primary Gradient Approach (MDPGA) attempts to quantify the impacts of disturbance through the affects on gradients of solar radiation, water, temperature, and nutrient availability, which I refer to as primary gradients. Before disturbance, any point in geographical space can be placed in a region of multiple-dimension ecological space represented by the variation of these primary gradients. Disturbance results in a displacement from this original position along these abiotic gradients to a new position. The location of this new position in the multiple-dimension gradient space controls the path to recovery, or the path to a new and different 'stable' point. If this theoretical framework is correct, it holds promise for: allowing comparison among different disturbance types, facilitating comparison among different ecosystems impacted by disturbance, insights into the synergistic affects of multiple disturbances, and identifying the critical differences between anthropogenic and natural disturbances. This study did not test this theoretical framework directly. I did not measure the primary gradients, before or after the hurricane. Instead, I used simulated levels of primary gradients of solar radiation and water, and gradients of topography and hurricane damage, which I refer to as secondary gradients. Secondary, because each influence primary gradients. These simulated primary gradients and additional secondary gradients do appear to influence the dynamics of recovery. However, a true test of the MDPGA requires: direct measurement of the primary gradients before and after disturbance, a demonstration that different disturbances can cause different vectors of displacement, and that these differences are reflected in the dynamics of recovery in a predictable manner.


Therefore, the first goal of future work in this area must be to quantify abiotic gradients over the landscape of the LEF. This will serve to track changes in these gradients as the forest continues to recover from Hurricane Hugo. I suggest a sampling methodology that focuses on several catenas of differing aspects. A single remote automatic weather station (RAWS) could be moved from one sampling point to another on a regular basis. It would be preferable to have several RAWSs in place and continuously recording. At least one other RAWS must be available to place in disturbed sites, new treefalls or landslides, as opportunities arise. In addition to tracking the changes in the primary gradients during recovery from hurricane Hugo, we must continue to track the vegetation as it recovers, both to relate this recovery to changes in the abiotic gradients and to test the validity of the extrapolations of the data in the model RECOVER. A third goal for future research is to be prepared for the inevitable next hurricane. In part, this preparation is accomplished by continuing to monitor abiotic gradients and vegetation dynamics in the inter-hurricane period. If the simulated results are accurate, the systems may never 'return to a stable point', but rather be in a constant state of recovery until the next disturbance. If this is the case, the MDPGA is still applicable toward determining the vector of recovery and the position along this path when the next disturbance occurs. Rather than a system of stable states, displacement, and return to the stable state, the LEF may exhibit predictable paths through the gradient space, with disturbance induced displacements of these paths. Only long- term monitoring through several hurricane disturbance and recovery cycles will illuminate this issue. Finally, the MDPGA must be tested for other disturbances at other sites, particularly anthropogenic disturbances. This analysis must be applied to other hurricane-impacted forests, and to ecosystems subjected to different disturbance regimes. Only then can it be determined if this approach can help to unify our knowledge of the dynamics of ecosystem disturbance and recovery.
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