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FBA Background Information 

Summer 2000


Changes made in the 1997 reauthorization of IDEA require the use of Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA’s) for students 10 days before or after disciplinary action which include suspension from school, or a change of placement to an interim alternative educational setting. The amendments also encourage the use of "positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports" in those cases when a student’s behavior "impedes their learning or the leaning of others" (Florida Department of Education, 1999).

Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) is the process of designing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP’s) that are based on the relationships between the student’s behavior and the variables identified within the student’s environment (The Florida Department of Education, 1999). PBS is a proactive process used to assist with the management and modification of challenging behavior in students. PBS consists of goal identification, Functional Behavioral Assessment, plan design, implementation and evaluation (Florida Department of Education, 1999). FBA will be used as the basis of the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

BIP’s include (The Florida Department of Education, 1999):

Modifications to the environment.
Teaching skills to replace problem behaviors.
Effective management of consequences.
Promotion of positive life-style changes.


The Functional Behavioral Analysis

Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) are the behavioral assessment methods that are used in identifying and examining the variables maintaining challenging behaviors in the classroom. The purpose of the FBA is to determine the functional relationship between antecedents, behaviors and consequent events (Hartwig & Ruesch, 1998):

The FBA consists of two major components:

  1. The Descriptive Analysis in which a specific target behaviors or group of behaviors (patterns), that are observable, measurable and operationally defined are described.

Interviews are conducted with parents, teachers, the child and other significant adults, for the purpose of identifying antecedent behaviors. These would include events, settings and timing, which may predict the current challenging behavior, and it’s consequences. The intent is to develop a hypothesis or an informed guess at the function or the purpose of the behavior as well as how the behavior is being reinforced. Variables that may be manipulated are identified.

  1. The Functional Analysis in which an intervention is developed to test the hypothesis. Additionally, alternative acceptable behaviors that serve the same purpose of the challenging behaviors are taught to the student as annual behavioral goals on the BIP.

The School District of Lee County, Florida

The School District of Lee County, Florida, requires all students with BIP’s to have FBA’s.

The Requirements for an FBA in the School District of Lee County (each school system will have a similar prosess):

  1. Signed parental permission for the assessment.
  2. Review of the child’s educational records.
  3. Two interviews; (a) with the teacher, (b) with the child, or (c) with the parent(s) of the child.
  4. Two observations of the child.
  5. Completed two-page form entitled, School District of Lee County Functional Behavioral Assessment Record. Click here to see the form.
  6. Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).


Drasgow, E. & Bradley, R. (1999). The IDEA Amendments of 1997: A school-wide model for conducting functional behavioral assessments. Education & Treatment of Children, August 99, 22 (3), 244.

Florida Department of Education. (1999). Facilitator’s guide: Positive behavior support. Tallahassee, FL: Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services.

Hartwig, E.P. & Ruesch, G.M. (1998). Functional behavioral assessments: How to do them right! Videotape. LRP Publications.

Scott, T, DeSimone, C., Fowler, W. & Webb, E. (2000). Using functional assessment to develop interventions of challenging behaviors in the classroom. Preventing School Failure, Winter 2000, 44 (2), 51.

Web Resources

Center of Effective Collaboration and Practice

American Institutes for Research

1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW

Suite 400

Washington, DC 20007

Toll free: (888) 457-1551

Web site: http://cecp.air.org/

For an inclusive web site addressing student problem behavior, IDEA rights and requirements, FBA, modifying the learning environment and additional resources see: http://cecp.air.org/fba/default.htm


What is functional assessment?

Web site: http://www.pacer.org/parent/tfunction.htm


Collaboration by the Kentucky Department of Education and the University of Kentucky. Offer discussion, and teacher support.

Web site: http://www.state.ky.us/agencies/behave/links.html



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This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of  June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students in EEX 6222: Assessment and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 

Last modified: July 05, 2000

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