Each year, environmental changes bring about the loss of many species of plants and animals. There are many causes for this, including changes that occur over a period of time, natural disasters, and the impact of human beings. Extinction has already taken hundreds of species from the United States alone. There are many plants and animals that will never be seen again. In 1997, over 20,000 species were considered to be endangered in the United States. It is evident that this number is increasing but it is up to us to make a difference in the lives of our endangered species.


According to the endangered species report, the population of the bald eagles was very low in the 1960’s, but the population grew by over 5000 by 1998. The Endangered Species Act is one reason for this. It is meant to protect fish, wildlife, and plants that are listed as endangered species in the United States. There are also other laws helping to protect the bald eagle and other endangered species in the United States. Examples of other protective measures are the “Bald and Golden Protection Act”, and the “Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992”.

