WebQuest Benchmarks and Essential Questions
Unifying Concept: Change
SC.G.2.3.3 Knows that a brief change in the limited resources of an ecosystem may alter the size of a population or the average size of individual organisms and that long-term change may result in the elimination of animal and plant populations inhabiting the Earth.
SC.G.2.3.4 Understands that humans are a part of an ecosystem and their activities may deliberately or inadvertently alter the equilibrium in ecosystems.
Language Arts:
LA.A.2.3.5 The student locates, organizes, and interprets written information for a variety of purposes, including classroom research, collaborative decision making, and performing a school or real-world task.
MA.D.1.3.2 Creates and interprets tables, graphs, equations, and verbal descriptions to explain cause-and-effect relationships. 


Essential Questions:


  1. How do changes in an ecosystem alter the population of organisms?


  1. How do humans contribute to changes in ecosystems that result in endangered species?


  1. How can we create and use tables, charts, and graphs to explain the cause and effect relationship between changes in an ecosystem and endangered species?


  1. Why is it important to gather, organize, and interpret written information when studying changes in specie populations?



