Class 11 / IDS 3920


    Environmental Education II:  Ecological Views of Indigeneous Peoples and Religious Perspectives

      Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;indeed, it is the only thing that ever does.

                      Margaret Mead


    Reading: "State of the World 2003", chapter 8, "Engaging Religion in the Quest for a Sustainable World"

    Internet Reading: Please check with your instructor for specific internet reading assignment

    Final Project

    You should have a plan by now that has been approved by your instructor.  How do you want to share your learning in the Colloquium?  In what way can you integrate and demonstrate the knowledge and understanding you have gained?  This is an important time to make progress on final projects.

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  Assignment for Class Eleven


    Environmental Education II:  A Native American Perspective
    on Environmental Justice and Environmental Education


      Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;indeed, it
      is the only thing that ever does.
                      Margaret Mead


    Very little!  Thanks to our visiting speaker for Class Eleven, Oannes Arthur Pritzker.  Oannes is the founder of Yat Kitichee Native American Center in Naples and will speak on “A Native American Perspective on Education and Environmental Concerns.”  In the spirit of oral tradition we will have a talking circle.  Simply come ready to be present.  As preparation please do a journal entry on your knowledge, or experience, or impressions of Native American views on the environment and environmental justice.

    Please read the handout on environmental justice.

    Final Project

    You should have a plan by now that has been approved by your instructor.  How do you want to share your learning in the Colloquium?  In what way can you integrate and demonstrate the knowledge and understanding you have gained?  This is an important time to make progress on final projects.



    © FGCU 2000. This is an official FGCU web page. Designed by
                  Florida Gulf Coast University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
                           10501 FGCU Blvd. South, Ft. Myers, FL 33965-6565