Learning Objectives
Based on the text and class discussions, state the primary purpose(s) for historical research. Based on the text and class discussions and given the types: ethnographic, case study, grounded theory, participative inquiry, and oral history; compare and contrast these designs. Based on the text and class discussions, list the ways that qualitative research differs from quantitative research. Given an empirical single-case research article; identify the participant(s), variable(s), setting, data collection, type (ethnographic, case study, grounded theory, and participative inquiry), research question, research hypothesis, data reduction technique(s), and conclusions reached. Given an empirical qualitative research article, evaluate the strength of the research design (include any areas of weakness; i.e., credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, authenticity, and emancipatory). |
Overview of Module 5 Notes
What do qualitative researchers do? Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Why do qualitative research? Some types of qualitative research
On-line Activities
Given the empirical qualitative research article, "Class Consciousness and Its Consequences: The Impact of an Elite Education on Mature Working Class Women, (See course packet)" answer the following: 1. Requires student groups to discuss
the title and abstract and answer the following:
b. Create a reasonable research question c. Identify this research question as descriptive, normative, correlative, or impact. Justify your choice. d. Identify the procedures for data collection e. Identify the sampling procedure f. Identify the participants g. Identify the type (ethnographic, case study, grounded theory, participative inquiry). Justify your choice. h. Identify the method of data reduction. (See Definitions in Module 4 Notes and pages 248-355, Qualitative Analytic Strategies, in your text). i. Idenitfy the evidence of the credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmabilit, authenticity, and emancipatory nature of the study. j. Identify the conclusions reache. Justify your choice. k. Did this research emerge primarily from a post-positivist or post-modern philosophical base? Justify your choice. E-mail
your group work to the instructor with
the heading, "Evaluating Pualitative
Studies." See course syllabus for date
assignment is due.
Based on your research question presented
in Module Two, as a group, describe your population, sample, and method
of sampling.
2. Outline Chapter 5 using the format
of Chapter 1 outline from Module 1.