Scroll Bar

Description    Purpose    Advantages     Disadvantages    Usage

Scroll_Bar.jpg (2360 bytes)


  1. Description
    1. An elongated rectangular container consisting of a scroll area, a slider box, and arrows or anchors at either end.
    2. Available, if needed in primary and secondary windows, and some controls.
    3. May be oriented vertically or horizontally at the window’s edge.
  2. Purpose
    1. To find and view information that takes more space than the allocated display screen.
  3. Advantages
    1. Permits viewing data of unlimited size.
  4. Disadvantages
    1. Consumes screen space.
    2. Can be cumbersome to operate.
  5. Usage
    1. When more information is available than the window space for displaying it.
    2. Do not use to set values.
