Concentration Analogies
One Part Per Million
- one automobile in bumper-to-bumper traffic from Clevelandto San Francisco
- one pancake in a stack four miles high
- 1 inch in 16 miles
- one minute in two years
- one ounce in 32 tons
- one cent in $10,000
- .0001% (or 10,000 ppm equals 1%)
One Part Per Billion
- one 4-inch hamburger in a chain of hamburgers circlingthe earth at the equator
two-and-a-half times
- one silver dollar in a roll of silver dollars stretching fromDetroit to Salt Lake City
- one bogie in 3,500 golf tournaments
- one kernel of corn in a 45-foot high, 16-foot diameter silo
- one sheet in a roll of toilet paper stretching from New Yorkto London
- one second of time in 32 years
One Part Per Trillion
- one square foot of floor tile on a kitchen floor the size of Indiana
- one drop of detergent in enough dishwater to fill a string of railroad tank cars ten
miles long
- one square inch in 250 square miles
- one mile on a 2-month journey at the speed of light
One Part Per Quadrillion
- one postage stamp on a letter the size of California and Oregon
- one human hair out of all the hair on all the heads of all the people in the world
- one mile on a journey of 170 light years
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