EDF 6215 Learning Principles

Fall 1997

Module 9-- Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

Learning Objectives 
Content Overview 

    1) Locate a magazine advertisement geared to adolescents that demonstrates modeling.  Describe the model and the assumed affect on adoelscents.  How would the model be different if the intended audience of the advertising was adults?

    2)  Write an explanation of the development of reprehensible conduct and then devise an example that incorporates the four dissociative practices that are responsible for disengagement.

    3) Compare and contrast Skinner and Bandura's conceptions of the development of self-regulation.
Links to Resources 


1)  Recall at least 3 people from your adolescence who served as behavioral models.  For each person, explain the behavior(s) they modeled, and identify specific characteristics that made them a good model.

2)  In your current work setting (defined as broadly as you would like), identify at least 2 persons for whom you serve as a model.  For each person, identify what specific behaviors you model that are positive, and identify characteristics that make you a good model.

3)  Consider the following:
    A twelve-year-old male experiences extreme anxiety in situations involving mathematical calculations
    and symbols.  Each time he is rpesented with a task involving these manipulations, he becomes
    anxious and typically fails the task.  When questioned concerning the boy's problem, his parents
    reported that the problem began in second grade, but they were not certain what caused its onset.

    (a)  Assume that the problem was learned through social learning.  Explain what circumstances may
          have created this learning.  Speculate about likely models and models' characteristics.
    (b) Explain the process using social cognitive theory that could be used by the classroom teacher
          to help this child overome his anxiety in the presence of math tasks.  Be sure to use terms
          connected with the theory being discussed.

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