Learning Principles

Module 7

Concrete Opeartional Stage of Cognitive Development:
Later Elementary/Middle School

This stage is characterized by:
    • "Hands on thinking"
    • Child recognizes stability of world, knows change in elements
        does not change characteristics, change can be reversed

    • Operations mastered: conservation, classification, seriation

Teaching To Concrete Children

    • 1.  Continue to use concrete props and visual aids, especially when
           dealing with sophisticated material.

    • 2.  Continue to give students a chance to manipulate and test objects.
    • 3.  Make sure presentations and readings are brief and well organized.

    • 4.  Use familiar examples to explain more complex ideas.

    • 5.  Give opportunities to classify and group objects and ideas on
           increasingly complex levels.

    • 6.  Present problems that require logical, analytical thinking.