
Letter of Introduction

Letter of Introduction
Date, Year

This letter is to introduce ___________________________ who is a student of cultural anthropology at Florida Gulf Coast University. So that the students may understand different cultures better, they have been asked to find someone from a different culture or born in a different country who is willing to talk about the customs in that culture. They will ask you questions about different aspects of your cultural background which they will write about for the class. They will not use your name, but will be sharing with other students about the language, kinship terms, marriage practices, social organizations, religions, and other aspects of your culture. The students will be asked to read their completed descriptions back to you so you may comment on their work.

The final descriptions of your culture and photos (with your permission) will be displayed on the Internet for the whole class to enjoy. You may have a copy of the material for your own personal use as well.

If you decide to participate please fill out the consent form for the student and the photograph release if they photograph you. I hope you will enjoy the experience with the student. Thanks for your help.



Susan E. Stans, Ph.D.


Student's Signature Here


