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93-100%   A 90-92 A-

60% –Assignments

83-90%     B   80-82 B-

10% –Oral presentation

73-80%     C   70-72 C-

15% – Independent presentation - written 

60-72%    D

5% – Summary discussions

<59%       F

10% – Class participation/attendance




I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus at my discretion in the event that a situation arises during the semester that requires modification be made.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: are not accepted unless you have a reasonable explanation and have seen me in person to discuss arrangements for your situation.

Assignments are due in class at the start of class.  When prior arrangement has been made, they can be submitted by electronic submission to my school e-mail address at ndemers@fgcu.edu  no later than the start of class on the due date outlined in the syllabus and on the schedule.

It is your responsibility to consult these web pages for detailed instructions and rubrics for each assignment.  Feel free to contact me for additional information you may desire. 


60% Assignments/ Technological and Information Literacy

  5%: Written Summaries of Presentations
Final Products

10%: Oral Presentation

15%: Independent Presentation-Written (Final Version)  Should contain an updated timeline and annotated bibliography

Class Participation and Attendance: 10%

I expect you to pay attention in class and participate in class discussions. The nature of this class requires sincere effort from all participants. Missing classes is to be avoided at all costs. Attendance will be kept and used to help foster class participation. Coming to class late is disruptive and will be noted. If there is any reason you cannot attend class, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me before class.

Be sure to turn in all class assignments on time by the due date.  For example Essay 1, due at the second class session will be counted toward your participation grade.  

When considering how to demonstrate outstanding class participation during class discussions consider the following:

Relevance: Your comments should pertain directly to the materials at hand. If you have to start off your comment with "this may not relate" you are probably quite correct. Does your comment clarify the issues or does it take us off the track?
Advancement: Your comments should deepen the analysis. They should also incorporate the tools that we are trying to develop. Do your comments move us forward or do they require us to backtrack or detour?
Logical: Are your comments logical? Are they consistent? Do they relate and connect to that which other comments have revealed? Are you drawing upon your interdisciplinary knowledge?
Originality: Are you being creative? Do you point out relationships to other subjects which we have discussed in the past? Are your comments mundane or repetitive or are they new, offering fresh insight to the subject matter?
Factuality: Your comments must be factually based. Until we agree on the facts of the case, analysis is spurious. This does not mean that there is only one interpretation of the facts, it simply means that will want to constantly clarify the facts as we progress.

General Etiquette:
• Please turn off volume on cell phones while in class.
• Please enter quietly and unobtrusively if you arrive late.
• Please participate only in the primary discussion (don't converse with your neighbor - it is distracting).

  • Cheating, dishonesty, and plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in failure of the assignment and/or course. If necessary, please review these articles on plagiarism:"How to Avoid Plagiarism"; "Avoiding Plagiarism"
  • If you have a reasonable explanation for needing to turn in assignments at any time other than that assigned, see me to discuss arrangements for your situation.

    Academic Behavior Standards and Academic Dishonesty

    All students are expected to demonstrate honesty in their academic pursuits. The university policies regarding issues of honesty can be found in the FGCU Student Guidebook under the Student Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures sections.  All students are expected to study this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the policy.   The FGCU Student Guidebook is available online at http://studentservices.fgcu.edu/judicialaffairs/new.html

    Disability Accommodations Services

    Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your academic performance is affected by a disability, please contact the Office of Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone number is 239-590-7956 or TTY 239-590-7930

    Student Observance of Religious Holidays

    All students at Florida Gulf Coast University have a right to expect that the University will reasonably accommodate their religious observances, practices, and beliefs.  Students, upon prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith. Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence. Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity because of religious observances. Where practicable, major examinations, major assignments, and University ceremonies will not be scheduled on a major religious holy day. A student who is to be excused from class for a religious observance is not required to provide a second party certification of the reason for the absence.


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© Demers &  Meers (2006). All rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without permission.
Last updated August 16, 2011