Module Eight -- Grade Book |
Learning Objectives
Given a list of purposes, select those appropriate for each type of information contained in a teacher's gradebook. Given the characteristics of a score, identify the type of score (composite, percentage, raw, weighted). Given the use of a score, identify the type of score (composite, percentage, raw, weighted).
Given a list of characteristics, select those most descriptive of: (1)
norm-referenced and (2) criterion-referenced.
Overview of Module 8 Notes
Marking and Reporting
Types of Marking and Reporting Systems Guidelines for Developing a Multiple Marking and Reporting System Who makes the decision about what an "A" is?
Combining data in assigning grades Selecting the proper frame of reference for grading
On-line Activities
As a group using Teacher Omega's Grade Book (all grades entered are percentages):
2. Calculate the weighted score for
each student for each type of assignment assuming the following contributions:
Now it's time to evaluate your assessment. If your group has created a test, your group now needs to calculate the reliability for your test (you may need to go back to Module 5 to remind yourself how this is done). In addition, identify each item as easy, moderate, or difficult. Then, identify how well your distractors worked. Looking at the evaluation I provided for the Midterm may help you in your efforts. If your group has created a rubric,
your group needs to calculate the reliability (percent agreement) for your
rubric. I should have e-mailed your group the method of determining this,
if you haven't gotten it, remind me.
Now it's time to write your technical
report. Use the example I posted on the Web Board and refer to the rubric
given as you write your report. This is due on or before 5:00 pm April
26th. This is the day of your final exam. You can simply bring it with
you OR you can e-mail it to me as an attachment. If you want feedback to
improve it before the due date of April 26th, you may e-mail me pieces
or post them on the Web Board for class and instructor feedback. I will
make a conference labeled, "Final Act" for this purpose.
Chapter 13, Marking and Reporting from Linn R.L. & Gronlund, N.E. (1995). Measurement and assessment in teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. |