Module Three
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Module 3 Notes
Module 3 Exercise 3

    Using your own experiential background, try to ask yourself, as one increases, what is the second one likely to do?  
      Example: As height increases, weight __________ (decreases or increases?)

    Identify whether the following are positive or negative relationships: 

    • height & weight  
    • exercise & weight  
    • study & test score  
    • college degree & salary  
    • degree of sunlight & size of pupil  
    • degree of hunger & amount of food consumed  
    • % of student dropouts & number of books per student in school library 
    • average salaries of teachers in high schools & % of school's students who go on to college  
    • score on SAT & grades obtained by freshmen in college  
    • reading readiness & success in first grade 
        Please e-mail your answer to the instructor on or before February 1 at 5:00 p.m..
    Chapter 3  -- Linn R.L. & Gronlund, N.E. (1995). Measurement and assessment in teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. 
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Module 3 Notes
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Florida Gulf Coast University  
College of Professional Studies  
School of Education