Module Two -- Objectives
Learning Objectives 
      Given the prompt, "List the six levels of Bloom's taxonomy", list the six levels in order and present one descriptive word for that level. The word must be different from the name of the level.  
      Given a list of behavioral objectives, identify correctly written one.  
Overview of Module 2 Notes 
    Overview: Instructional Goals and Objectives 
    Linn & Gronlund 
    Parts of an Objective 
    Criteria for Selecting Objectives 
    How to Write Effective Instructional Objectives 
On-line Activities 
      "In Search of Bloom" 

    1.  Check different sources from the library or the Internet (books and websites) that address Bloom's Taxonomy. 
    2.  Based on your search, list the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and describe each level. 
    3.  Cite the sources that you have used (at least 2 books and 2 websites) in completing this activity.  

      NOTE: Don't use the course textbook as a resource. 
        Submit your output to the instructor via e-mail on or before January 25 at 5:00 p.m. 

      "Objectives Galore" 

    1.  Evaluate the objectives listed below.   [ You have an option to work in groups. ] 

      a. Given a geometric shape (triangle, square, rectangle, diamond, circle), identify the shape  
      b. Given a two-digit number, find the sum 
      c. Given six two-digit numbers, calculate the average 
      d. Given the word, congruent, define it and use it in a sentence 
      e. Given pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, select the correct coins for amounts to fifty cents 
      f. Given a list of words, all beginning with different letters, alphabetize the list 
      g. Given a map, identify the capital and calculate the distance between the capital and city B 
      h. Given the story, Silas Marner, create an argument either for or against adoption 
      i. Write a paragraph using a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence 
      j. Given the formula for the circumference of a circle and circles of varying sizes, calculate the circumference of each circle 
      NOTE: There are four that are not correctly written.  
    2. Identify the incorrect objectives 
    3. Explain the reason why you think these are incorrect. 
    4. Re-write these incorrect objetives into correct ones.  
        Submit your output to the instructor via e-mail" on or before January 25 at 5:00 p.m. 

      "Making It Happen" 
    1.  Describe your content area of interest for instruction. 
    2.  Identify the grade level that you want to address for this particular instruction. 
    3.  Create the instructional goal and/or find behavioral objectives for the level and content area that you have identified.  
      NOTE: In the Lee County Curriculum Frameworks, the standard is the instructional goal and the benchmarks are the objectives. 
        Submit your output to the instructor via the  under the heading, "Instructional Goal"  on or before January 25 at 5:00 p.m. 
    Chapter 2  -- Linn R.L. & Gronlund, N.E. (1995). Measurement and assessment in teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. 
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Module 2 Notes
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Florida Gulf Coast University  
College of Professional Studies  
School of Education