Text Boxes
Description Purpose Advantages
Disadvantages Proper Usage Captions

- Description
A control, usually rectangular in shape, in which text may be
entered or edited or may be displayed for read-only purposes.
- Usually possesses a caption describing the kind of information contained within it.
- An outline field border is included for enterable/editable text boxes, but should not be
included for a read-only text box.
- There are two types of text boxes: single line, and multiple line.
- When first displayed, the box may be blank or contain an initial value.
- To permit the display, entering, editing of textual information.
- To display read-only information.
- Very flexible
- Familiar
- Consumes very little screen space
- Requires use of typewriter keyboard
- Requires user to remember what must be keyed.
Proper Usage
- Most useful for data that is unlimited in scope, difficult to categorize, and of a
variety of different lengths.
- When using a selection list is not possible.
- There are two different styles to consider for the caption of a
text box. Be sure to include a semicolon (:) after the label.
Option 1--Caption to the Left

Option 2--Caption Left Justified on Top.

These rules apply to the multiline text box as well.