This section of IDS 3332 will focus on the role of the Mass Media in the development of both "popular" and "personal" culture. By studying how the Media influences us, we will be able to make decisions about our lives independent of outside media influence. |
1. To develop these skills:
1.1 Identify how and when mass media exerts influence on personal and social behavior.
1.2 Distinguish emotional from reasoned reactions when responding to media.
1.3 Identify how the nature of the mass media industry contributes to its role in shaping behavior.
©2011, Cathy Guisewite 2. To understand these concepts:
2.1 All media are constructions. They present carefully crafted realities that reflect many decisions and are the result of many factors.
2.2 The media construct reality. Much of our view of reality is based on messages conveyed by the media.
2.3 Audiences negotiate meaning in media. Each of us finds meaning based on individual factors.
2.4 Media have commercial implications. Most media production is a business, designed to generate income. Thus, commercial considerations greatly influence the content, technique, and distribution of media.
2.5 Media contain ideological and value messages. These may be deliberate or accidental.
2.6 Media have social and political implications. Media can have a direct influence on political and social issues.
2.7 Form and content are closely related in media. Each medium has its own language, its own system of encoding messages. Understanding the language is essential to understanding the message.
2.8 Each medium has a unique aesthetic form. Media is not inherently good or bad. But like any art, it has power.
©2011, Don Wright
To take this class you will need:
1) A computer with a CD-ROM player, sound card, speakers, and an Internet connection
2) Internet related software to read the articles, watch the videos, and watch and hear my presentations. These can be found on the "IDS 3332" CD-ROM available at the bookstore.
Note: Actual cover may look different. Ask for the "IDS 3332" CD. |
Navigating the Web site and CD |
The course is divided into Modules. This is part of the "Help" module. The content is found in Modules 1 - 7. At the top of each page is a menu bar. The red button is where you are, the other two buttons are where you can go within each module. The floating menu on the left will take you from Module to Module.
For general information about assignments, grades, and me click here, General Information
Then click on the Presentations menu on the left and start Module 1.
This is an official FGCU web page. Revised 01/01/2011
©2011, Terry Dugas
All media, Copyright, respective owners. Media used within copyright Fair Use guidelines as outlined by the University of Texas, Stanford University, and others.
Florida Gulf Coast University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.