Scoring Rubric for Short Paper
Paper Title: __________________________ Student name _____________
Points |
Knowledge (Readings) |
Application (Written) |
Presentation of Ideas |
27-30 |
Presents 4 or more key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 2+ quality cites from other relevant readings |
Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings Makes comparisons between different approaches to problem Applies readings to own experience, news items, and suggests solutions. Demonstrates critical thinking |
Communicates all ideas clearly Beginning paragraph states problem or question. Summary paragraph which summarizes ideas and insights. Shows attention to the details of performance conventions (clarity, spelling, grammar, structure, etc.) |
Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with considerably significant creativity and originality Uses quotes from personal interview. |
Presents 3 or above key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 2 cites from other relevant readings |
Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings Applies readings to own experience, news items, and suggests solutions Demonstrates some level of critical thinking |
Communicates most ideas clearly Beginning paragraph states problem or question. Summary paragraph which summarizes ideas and insights. Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions |
Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with some creativity and originality Uses paraphrase from personal interview. |
Presents 2 key concepts and supporting details from reading assignments 2 cites from relevant readings |
Demonstrates insights and understanding of the readings
Communicates some ideas clearly Presents minor mistakes in performance conventions |
Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with a little creativity and originality |
18-20 |
Presents 1 key concept and/or supporting details from reading assignments 1 cite from other relevant readings |
Demonstrates no insights and understanding of the readings |
Communicates ideas unclearly Pays insufficient attention to performance conventions |
Demonstrates a perspective on the readings with no creativity and originality |
0-17 |
No cites from class readings and other relevant readings |
No attempts in demonstrating insights and understanding of the readings |
No attention to performance conventions |
No attempts in demonstrating a perspective on the readings |