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Session Date

Travel Log

Session 1
Jan 7

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Why do you study anthropology?

    What is the relationship to your own field of study?


Session 2
Jan 10 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    What about your anthropological curiosity? What makes you curious?

    What do you wonder about human behavior?

    In your own words, what do you think culture is?


Session 3
Jan 17 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    A. We have come this far together now let's see how we agree and disagree. What is your favorite theory from chapter 3 and why? Who will take a different side?

    B. It has been said that anthropologist prove what "the people" know already. If we think college students drink too much beer, why should we measure how much and how often they really do drink? If people have good intuition and observation of events, why try to prove theories?

Session 4
Jan 24 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Refer to the Current Issues box titled "Does English Language Promote Sexist Thinking?" (p. 86-87). Let's discuss the examples of sexist language in English. Ships are referred to as "she", yet beliefs have persisted that it is unlucky to have women on board a ship. What do you think this means? Is this contradictory? Why or why not?

Session 5
Jan 31 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    If the general trend in agriculture has been toward intensification and commercialization, how could a farm of the size and anachronistic operation of the Irish farm be a success? Look for clues in the description of Irish farming written by Michael McDonald in the Adventure Orientation section. Good luck!

Session 6
Feb 7 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Let's discuss the economics of the tropical rain forests. Refer to the Current Issues box titled "impact of the World-System--Deforestation of the Amazon," (see page 134 of the text). What economic forces have led to the deforestation of portions of the Brazilian rain forest? How can the indigenous peoples of the rain forest exploit it without destroying it? Of what value are the rain forests to the rest of the world?

Session 7
Feb 14 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Refer to the Current Issues box titled "The Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor In the United States," (pages 148 and 149 of the text). At what time has wealth been the most concentrated? What historical factors lead to a decrease in the concentration of wealth? What effect did the creation of the minimum wage in 1938 seemingly have on the concentration of wealth?

Session 8
Feb 21 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Consider the theory that women's status will be higher in societies where they make a larger contribution to the household economy. If we define higher status by the ability to influence decisions in the family, inherit property, and to serve in important positions in the political structure, then compare your culture with that of another in terms of women's status. Remember, there is no society or culture in which women rule exclusively or monopolize positions of power, but their influence in societies and cultures varies greatly. Your question for the electronic discussion is: "Do you think women who contribute more to food getting or household income have higher status than those in cultures whose men are the controller of the food and income source?"

Session 9
Feb 28 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    What is the future make up of marriage and families in the United States?

    What can we expect marriages to be like in the future? Do you think more an more people will chose to remain unmarried but cohabiting? What do you think happens to marriage and family patterns when the economy is good? What do you think happens when we are in a recession? What is serial monogamy and who practices it?

March 6-12

  • Spring Break

Session 10
March 13 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Although we recognize the biological relatedness of our grandparent's offspring, the terms we call kin are social categories. Third cousins in our country are not considered kin and therefore potential marriage partners. When a group recognizes kin differently, we tend to consider the different practices as incestuous if it violates our kinship rules. This ethnocentrism creates value judgments and fosters prejudice. How can we help others understand different practices and lead them to greater understanding of the differences?

Session 11
March 20 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    If archaeologist were to excavate Fort Myers in another 1000 years, what argument would they see in the material remains to represent the political complexity of our society?

Session 12
March 27 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Let's talk more about what television teaches our children. Ask someone from a different country about his or her TV programs. Watch a Spanish language channel on TV. Observe the advertisements that sponsor your favorite TV program. Look for a correlation between the program and the message the ads send. What do our Television viewing preferences tell us about our culture?

Session 13
April 3 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    What do you think is the function of religion in a society?

    What do you think is the function of art in society?

Session 14
April 10 (Web)

  • Electronic WebBoard

    Let's talk about diffusion of ideas. Name some notable diffusion of ideas into this country and describe why you think they were adopted? Were they adaptive or maladaptive?

Session 15
April 17 (Web)

  • Applied Anthropology and Social Problems

Session 16
April 24

  • Final Exam Week
    Final Analysis and Photographs Due

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