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Cue Words Found in Questions for Essay Tests

Cue Words Found in Questions for Essay Tests

Analyze: means to separate something into parts and then discuss the parts and their meanings.

Clarify: means to make clear, often by giving a definition of a key term and by using examples to illustrate it.

Classify: means to arrange in groups on the basis of shared characteristics.

Compare and Contrast: means to show similarities and differences.

Criticize: means to give your opinion concerning the good points and the bad points of something.

Define: means to give the definition of something and thereby to separate it from similar things.

Describe: means to explain certain features to make clear an object, procedure, or event.

Discuss: means to consider as many elements as possible concerning an issue or event.

Evaluate: means to give your opinion about the value of something.

Explain: means to make clear or intelligible something that needs to be understood or interpreted.

Illustrate: means to give examples of something.

Interpret: means to explain the meaning of something.

Justify: means to show or prove that something is valid or correct.

Prove: means to present evidence that cannot be refuted logically or without other evidence.

Relate: means to show the connections between two or more things.

Review: means to reexamine, summarize, or to reprise something.

Show: means to point out or demonstrate something.

Summarize: means to repeat briefly the major points of something.

Support: means to argue in favor of something.

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