Module Four    Data Collection [ and Ethical Issues ]
Learning Objectives 
      Based on the text and class discussions, describe the steps in data collection. 

      Based on the text and class discussions and given a topic, design an instrument highlighting the steps involved. 

      Using the survey you have designed, identify your method for collecting the data (self-administered, administered, or observational form). Justify your choice. 

      Based on the text and class discussions, compare and contrast the process for designing an instrument and designing a survey. 

      Given an empirical research article, evaluate the method of data collection (address issues of reliability/dependability, validity/credibility, objectivity/confirmability). 

      Given an empirical research article; identify the participant(s), independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), extraneous variable(s), type (experimental or quasi-experimental), experimental group, control group, research question, research hypothesis, null hypothesis, data collection, sampling procedure, data reduction technique(s), and conclusions reached. 

      Given an empirical research article, evaluate any relevant ethical issues. 

Overview of Module 4 Notes 
    Data Collection and Ethical Issues 
    Guidelines for Constructing an Instrument to collect data from students  
Remember to be looking for empirical research articles related to your research question.
You should have found at least one by now.
On-line Activities 
       Mother, may I? 
      This is an individual assignment!
    See questions under "Data Collection and Ethical Issues" in Module 4 notes. Respond to to each of them.
         E-mail your responses to Dr. Janiak on or before 12 a.m., June 10. 

       Instrumentation 101 

    Based on the text and class discussions and given the topic, "Study Habits of Undergraduate Education Majors," design an instrument highlighting the steps involved. 

    As a group, you are to do the following: 

      a. identify an area of interest  

      b. create an instrument capable of measuring the variable of interest 

      c. outline the steps taken in creating the instrument  

      d. identify the method for collecting the data (self-administered, administered, or observational form). Justify your choice. 
         E-mail your responses to Dr. Janiak on or before 12 a.m., June 10. 

       Reading children's minds 

    With your group, use the "Guidelines for constructing an instrument to collect data from students" (see Module 4 Notes) to construct an instrument that students in the third grade would respond to. 

         E-mail your responses to Dr. Janiak on or before 12 a.m., June 10. 

      Special Assignment for Group 4 Only
    1. For this activity, make sure that you have your assigned grouping. If you don't know your group, first click here to check. Then, if you are not on the list, please contact Dr. Janiak as soon as possible. 

    2. Outline Chapter 7 using the format of Chapter 1 outline from Module 1.

          E-mail your group work to Dr. Janiak on or before 12 a.m., June 10. 

      Special Assignment for Group 1 Only
    1. For this activity, make sure that you have your assigned grouping. If you don't know your group, first click here to check. Then, if you are not on the list, please Dr. Hewitt-Gervais as soon as possible. 

    2. Outline Chapter 8 using the format of Chapter 1 outline from Module 1. 

          E-mail your group work to Dr. Janiak on or before 12 a.m., June 10. 

Remember to be looking for empirical research articles related to your research question.
You should have found at least one by now.
      Read Chapter 10 (pgs. 275-281) and Chapter 11 (all)
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