Module One
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Philosophy |
Key Terms and Definition Purpose of Evaluation Steps in Conducting an Evaluation Post-Positivism vs. Post-Modernism I believe it is helpful to know something
about what our societal beliefs about where assessment comes from. There
are at least as many philosophies as there are philosophers, but two philosophical
perspectives are currently dominating education. One is post-positivism
and the other is post-modernism. Post-positivists believe there is an objective
reality and that we can know the one right truth. Post-modernists believe
that there are multiple realities and that all are equally true. Our emphasis
in education is the one, right answer and that truth can be best discovered
through the use of the scientific method. Here is a comparison of the two
philosophical perspectives:
"When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
SOURCE: Stigler, Stephen M. (1986). The history of statistics: The measurement of uncertainty before 1900. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University. I would like you to reflect on
your philosophical perspective. First, know that there are two ways of
arriving at a philosophical perspective that you personally own. One is
to inherit it --- you acquire it from significant people in your life.
The other is to adopt it --- you consciously and critically examine the
philosophies known to you and make a decision about which one most closely
matches your beliefs.
![]() Definitions that will be helpful:
Nature of assessment refers to whether we want to determine a students typical performance, this is what s/he does on an average day, or a students maximum performance, this is what s/he does on his/her best day. Form of assessment refers to whether we develop an assessment that is an objective test or a performance assessment. Objective tests are used most often in the content areas: language arts, math, social studies, and science. Performance assessments are used most often in art, music, physical education, business education, and vocational education. Type of assessment refers to the way we ask students to respond to the assessments. For objective tests there are at least six types of items: multiple choice, alternate choice, matching, short answer, keyed response, and interpretive exercise. For performance assessments there are at least three responses: active (speech, drama, playing an instrument, playing a sport), product (art work, mobile, written report), and essay questions. Measurement is defined as the assignment of numbers to the results of an assessment according to a specific rule. When we evaluate a class project with a narrative, such as, "This was well done!" we have not used measurement. When we evaluate the same class project with a number, such as, "This project earned 96%" we have assigned a number and have used measurement. There are many types of measurement instruments. Teachers will use standardized tests, teacher-constructed tests, student assignments (homework, class projects), and informal measurement (observation of classroom participation). Only when a teacher gives a student a number as a grade has measurement taken place. Test is a single, specific instrument we use to evaluate learning and instruction. Norm-Referenced tests are those tests whose results are compared to some norming group. This means that the results from one students test are compared to the results from other students taking the same test and who are assumed to be representative of that one students age or grade. The interpretation is made concerning how well that one student did compared to other students his/her own age or grade placement. These will be covered more in the module on Interpretation. Criterion-Referenced tests are those tests whose results are compared to some master list of objectives. This means that the results from one students test are compared to a master list of objectives and the results are interpreted as identifying which objectives were met and which were not met. These will be covered more in the module on Interpretation. Purpose of Evaluation Evaluation is used to make instructional decisions. A teacher may give an assessment prior to any instruction being given. This would enable him/her to group the students and/or to assess the readiness of students. Do they have the prior knowledge needed to succeed? A teacher may give an assessment about midway through the unit or chapter being taught. This would enable him/her to assess the appropriateness of his/her teaching plans and to diagnose learning errors or problems. This is what your text calls formative assessment. A teacher often gives an assessment at the end of the unit or chapter to assess student achievement and to assign grades. This is what your text calls summative assessment. Evaluation also enables teachers to determine how often and how to assess learning / teaching and the referral of particular students to additional services. Steps in Conducting an Evaluation To conduct an adequate evaluation, the teacher must clearly define what is to be assessed. This usually involves the identification of learning outcomes stated as behavioral objectives. Those of you who have taken curriculum will find some of the module on objectives repetitive. Still, you must go through it since there are various ways of writing objectives, and method you will learn in this course will make it easier to create your evaluation instruments. Second, the teacher will need to choose or create appropriate assessment instrument(s) / procedure(s). These may include a test, a homework assignment, a class project, or a performance of some kind. Third, the teacher will provide relevant instruction.
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